Mike's PBX Cookbook

Using the Model Telephone Feature
in the Option 11 Family

The Option 11 family has a unique feature called the telephone model. This feature allows the technician to activate a telephone set using a pre-programmed telephone "template" known as a model.

These models may be used as is, adjusted by way of the TTY, or a whole new model may be created. The technician may then activate a telephone set on an unprogrammed TN, from the set. The models are available on systems using the pre-programmed database and systems which have had the pre-programmed data removed by way of the EDD DR1 command in Load 43 (Option 11, 11E) or not loaded form the software delivery daughterboard (Option 11C) .

Telephone Tones

When you activate telephones, you will hear a number of different tones to alert you of the activation progress. For telephones without displays, these tones will indicate whether a proper response has been entered and accepted, or whether an error occurred. Note: the tones discussed here are for North American systems. For the tones used outside North America, refer to the product documentation.

Default Model

Each type of telephone set is assigned a default model. When activating a telephone, you may accept the default model or select another one. The default models are changed by way of the Administration set or by way of the TTY through LD 97. The administration set is either an M2008 or M2616 Meridian Modular telephone with a two line 24 character display and Maintenance allowed (MTA) in class of service.

Activating a digital telephone with a display

NOTE: If you hang up the handset before finishing the activation procedure, the activation procedure will fail. This can be useful if you make an error and want to restart the activation procedure.

  1. Lift the handset. Wait for dial tone. (No button lamp will be lit.)
    (The Display shows: "MODEL? X")

    If you do not see the prompt "MODEL? X" after lifting the handset, hang up the telephone, disconnect the telephone line cord, wait five seconds, and re-connect the line cord. When you lift the handset again the display should now show "MODEL? X" and you may continue activating the telephone. Remember, there should be no button lamp if the telephone TN is not programmed.

  2. To accept the default model, press # .
    (Stutter Dial Tone)


    Enter a new model and press #.
    (Stutter Dial Tone)

  3. The display shows:
    "OK< EXTENSION? XXXX" (XXXX = the default extension.)
    To accept the default extension, press # or enter a new extension and press the # key. (Reactivation tone and the display shows: "OK".)


    If the extension number is already in use by another telephone, you hear a stutter dial tone and the display shows:


    To accept the default extension number as a multiple appearance number, press the # key.


    Enter a new extension and press the # key.


    If the extension number is not available for use, you hear overflow tone and the display shows: "ERROR, EXTENSION?"

    (This happens when you manually choose an invalid extension number. A default extension number will not be offered if one is not available.) Step 3.must be repeated and you must manually enter a new extension number.

    If the model is programmed for additional extension buttons, you will be prompted to enter a new extension for each additional button programmed. No default extension will be offered. When you are prompted for an additional extension button, the associated lamp will be lit on the telephone.

  4. Hang up the telephone.
    After approximately 10 seconds, the telephone will be configured.

Activating a digital telephone without a display

  1. Lift the handset. Wait for delayed dial tone. (No button lamp will be lit.)

  2. To accept the default model, press #.
    (Stutter Dial Tone)

    NOTE: If you do not get a dial tone after lifting the handset, hang up the telephone, disconnect the telephone line cord, wait five seconds, and re-connect the line cord. When you lift the handset again you should get dial tone and you may continue activating the telephone. Remember, there should be no button lamp if the telephone TN is not programmed.


    Enter a new model and press #.
    (Stutter Dial Tone)

  3. To accept the default extension, press #
    (Reactivation tone)


    Enter a new extension and press the # key.
    (Reactivation tone)


    If the extension number is not available for use, you hear overflow tone.

    (This happens when you manually choose an invalid extension number. A default extension number will not be offered if one is not available.) Step 3 must be repeated and you must manually enter a new extension number.

    If the model is programmed for additional extension buttons, you will be prompted to enter a new extension for each additional button programmed. No default extension will be offered. When you are prompted for an additional extension button, the associated lamp will be lit on the telephone.

  4. Hang up the telephone.
    After approximately 10 seconds, the telephone will be configured.

Activating a single line, analog telephone

  1. Lift the handset. Wait for delayed dial tone.

  2. To accept the default model, press #.
    (Stutter Dial Tone)


    Enter a new model and press #.
    (Stutter Dial Tone)

    NOTE: If you do not get a dial tone after lifting the handset, hang up the telephone, disconnect the telephone line cord, wait five seconds, and re-connect the line cord. When you lift the handset again you should get dial tone and you may continue activating the telephone.

    Enter a new extension and press the # key.
    (Reactivation tone)

  3. Hang up the telephone.
    After approximately 10 seconds, the telephone will be configured.

Deactivating any type of telephone set

  1. Lift the handset.
    (Dial tone)

  2. Dial: *42 (Automatic set removal flexible feature code)
    followed by the set relocation password.
    (Reactivation tone)

    NOTE: The default password is "1234". The password may be verified by printing the Customer Data Block in LD 21, CDB and looking for the SRCD prompt.)

Accessing the administration menu

  1. Lift the handset of the Administration telephone
    (Or use the handsfree feature on button 0.)

  2. Enter the Administration menu access code "*41".
    (The display will show: "PASSWORD?")

  3. Enter the password
    (The Display will show the first item of the Administration Menu.)

    The default password is "1234". This is the set relocation password. The password may be verified by printing the Customer Data Block in LD 21, CDB and looking for the SRCD prompt.)

The Administration Menu




    There are two sub-menus under INSTALLATION OPTIONS:
    1. DEFAULT SETS where XXX
      (numbers 1-128) is the current default.
      2006 (XXX)
      2008 (XXX)
      2216 (XXX)
      2616 (XXX)
      2000 (XXX)*
      500 (XXX)


      * The 2000 group includes the following telephones: M2009, 2018, 2112, 2317, 3000.

What the menu does

    Select this item if you want to add units (using trunk models) on trunk circuit cards.

    Select this item if you want to change the access code to an existing trunk route.

    Select this item if you want to delete an existing trunk from a circuit card.


This menu item is used to control the data associated with telephone activation. There are two sub-menus to choose from:

    Select this item if you want to define or change the default model associated with each telephone type.

    Select this item if you want to define the first default extension number in the system numbering plan. This procedure will allow the system to offer the "default extension" (Button 0) to telephone sets when they are activated using telephone models.

NOTE: The Default extension starts on unit 0 in card slot 1. If you have a TDS / DTR in slot 1, subtract 16 from the numbering plan first digit to put the correct first digit on station unit 0 in card slot 2.

Using the TTY instead of the Administration Telephone

As an alternative to using the Administration Telephone, you may program the items in the INSTALLATION OPTIONS sub-menu using LD 97 under the DEFS prompt at the TTY.

Model Sets may be programmed new or changed in LD 10 & 11. At the TYPE prompt, enter the type of telephone set, followed by an "M"(with a space between). At the next prompt, MODL, enter the new model or the model to be changed. Model telephones may be printed through LD 20. At the TYPE prompt, enter the type of telephone set, followed by an "M" (with a space between).

The default model of a telephone type may be set or changed from LD 97. Example: M2616 type sets currently have a default model of 20. You want to change it to default model of 10.

LD 97
DEF 2006 20
DEF 2008 20
DEF 2216 20
DEF 2616 20         10

Allowing Models on a system with the default database removed

If the default database has been removed from a system, The following items must be re-programmed before the Administration Telephone and model telephones may be used.

  1. In LD 57, Build the following Flexible Feature Codes;
    AREM *42 Automatic set removal
    ADMN *41 Administration Telephone access code

  2. In LD 10 &11, Telephone set administration, create the model telephones that may be required.

  3. In LD 14, Trunk administration, create the model trunks that are required

  4. In LD 16, Trunk route administration, Trunk routes must be built before access codes may be changed or model trunks are reactivated.

  5. In LD 15, Customer Data Block, under the FTR_DATA gate, Identify the Set Relocation Security Code (SRCD). You may print it in LD 21, FTR_DATA.

  6. In LD 97, Enter the desired default model

NOTE: Most technicians that have removed the default database will not use the administration telephone, model routes or model trunks. These systems usually have the trunks & routes programmed completely from the TTY. In this case, items (3 & 4) may be skipped.