Mike's PBX Cookbook

M2250 Feature Key Guide

LD 12: Attendant Consoles

A 2250 has one vertical column of 10 'Programmable Feature Keys', numbered 0-9 & 10-19 (SHIFT) from the bottom up.

➤ A consoles KEYs are printed in LD 20 and changed in LD 12.

Syntax: KEY xx aaa yyyyWhere: xx = key number
aaa = feature
yyyy = parameter(s)

➤ To change a KEY (in LD 12):

REQ:   CHG                  Change...  
TYPE:  2250                 
TN     l s c u              Terminal number (loop, shelf, card, unit)
:                           enter down...
KEY    xx aaa yyyy          <key number> <feature> <parameter(s)>, see below...

Enter xx NUL to remove or clear any feature already assigned to a key.

Key Features:

Feature Parameter(s) Key Description
ADLyy z...zAutodial key: yy = max. length ; z...z actual Autodial DN (optional)
AUTOyyyyDirect Autoline DN, where: yyy....y = Autoline DN. The Autoline DN can be 1 - 31 digits.
AWUAutomatic Wake Up key (cannot be key 0 or 1, or 10 thru 19)
01 BINAllow Barge-In on key 01. Must have OPT = AMA in LD15.
BKIBreak-In key
00 BVRAllow Busy Verify on key 0. Must have OPT = AMA in LD15.
CHGCharge account key
COSControlled Class of Service key
CPNCalling Party Number key
DCWDisplay Call Waiting key
DDLDo Not Disturb Individual key
DDTDisplay Date key
DPDDisplay Destination key
DPSDisplay Source key
DRCDID Route Control key
DTMDisplay Time key
EESEnd-to-End Signaling key (cannot be key 0 or 1)
FLHDSN Flash key
FOVDSN Flash Override key
GNDyyGroup Do Not Disturb key Where: yy = group number = 0-99
IMMDSN Immedicate key
LTALow Tape Alarm key for mini CDR
MCKMessage Cancellation key. Turns off indication at a telephone.
MDTMaintain Change/Display Date key
MIKMessage Indication key. Turns on indication at a telephone.
MTNMaintain Change/Display Time key
MTRMeter key
NASNetwork Attendant Service key
NULRemove feature or function from key
PAGyyyyPaging key Where: yyyy = Route Access Code.
PRGAttendant Administration Program key
PRKCall Park key
PRYDSN Priority key
RDLRedial stored number
RFWAttendant Remote Call Forward key
RPAGyyyyRadio Paging key: yyyy = Route Access Code
RTCRouting Controls key This key activates the NCOS map defined in LD 86.
SACPSemi-Automatic Camp-On key. Must have Semi-Automatic Camp-On (SACP) package 181.
SCCyyyySpeed Call Controller key: yyyy = SCL list number 0-8190, defined in LD 18
SECLSeries Call key. Must have Series Call (SECL) package 191
SSCyyyySystem Speed Call Controller key: yyyy = SSC list number 0-4095, defined in LD 18.
THFTrunk Switch Hook Flash key
TRCMalicious Call Trace key. Must have Malicious Call Trace (MCT) package 107.