M2250 Feature Key Guide
LD 12: Attendant Consoles

A 2250 has one vertical column of 10 'Programmable Feature Keys', numbered 0-9 & 10-19 (SHIFT) from the bottom up.
➤ A consoles KEYs are printed in LD 20 and changed in LD 12.
Syntax: KEY xx aaa yyyy | Where: | xx = key number |
aaa = feature | ||
yyyy = parameter(s) |
➤ To change a KEY (in LD 12):
REQ: CHG Change... TYPE: 2250 TN l s c u Terminal number (loop, shelf, card, unit) : enter down... KEY xx aaa yyyy <key number> <feature> <parameter(s)>, see below...
Enter xx NUL
to remove or clear any feature already assigned to a key.
Key Features:
Feature | Parameter(s) | Key Description |
ADL | yy z...z | Autodial key: yy = max. length ; z...z actual Autodial DN (optional) |
AUTO | yyyy | Direct Autoline DN, where: yyy....y = Autoline DN. The Autoline DN can be 1 - 31 digits. |
AWU | Automatic Wake Up key (cannot be key 0 or 1, or 10 thru 19) | |
01 BIN | Allow Barge-In on key 01. Must have OPT = AMA in LD15. | |
BKI | Break-In key | |
00 BVR | Allow Busy Verify on key 0. Must have OPT = AMA in LD15. | |
CHG | Charge account key | |
COS | Controlled Class of Service key | |
CPN | Calling Party Number key | |
DCW | Display Call Waiting key | |
DDL | Do Not Disturb Individual key | |
DDT | Display Date key | |
DPD | Display Destination key | |
DPS | Display Source key | |
DRC | DID Route Control key | |
DTM | Display Time key | |
EES | End-to-End Signaling key (cannot be key 0 or 1) | |
FLH | DSN Flash key | |
FOV | DSN Flash Override key | |
GND | yy | Group Do Not Disturb key Where: yy = group number = 0-99 |
IMM | DSN Immedicate key | |
LTA | Low Tape Alarm key for mini CDR | |
MCK | Message Cancellation key. Turns off indication at a telephone. | |
MDT | Maintain Change/Display Date key | |
MIK | Message Indication key. Turns on indication at a telephone. | |
MTN | Maintain Change/Display Time key | |
MTR | Meter key | |
NAS | Network Attendant Service key | |
NUL | Remove feature or function from key | |
PAG | yyyy | Paging key Where: yyyy = Route Access Code. |
PRG | Attendant Administration Program key | |
PRK | Call Park key | |
PRY | DSN Priority key | |
RDL | Redial stored number | |
RFW | Attendant Remote Call Forward key | |
RPAG | yyyy | Radio Paging key: yyyy = Route Access Code |
RTC | Routing Controls key This key activates the NCOS map defined in LD 86. | |
SACP | Semi-Automatic Camp-On key. Must have Semi-Automatic Camp-On (SACP) package 181. | |
SCC | yyyy | Speed Call Controller key: yyyy = SCL list number 0-8190, defined in LD 18 |
SECL | Series Call key. Must have Series Call (SECL) package 191 | |
SSC | yyyy | System Speed Call Controller key: yyyy = SSC list number 0-4095, defined in LD 18. |
THF | Trunk Switch Hook Flash key | |
TRC | Malicious Call Trace key. Must have Malicious Call Trace (MCT) package 107. |