Hunt Groups
A Hunt Group is a list of DN's associated with a Pilot DN. When the Pilot DN is dialed, the call is routed to the next idle DN in the group.
Two steps are required:
- LD18: store the extensions in the Group Hunt List, and
- LD57: attach a Pilot DN (PLDN) to the Group Hunt List.
LD 18 - Build the list:
REQ NEW New TYPE GHT Group Hunt CUST 0 LSNO XX New List Number (0-254) DNSZ Maximum Directory Number Size (length) SIZE Size of list, how many entries STOR 00 XXXX Entry number (0-999) and the digits stored with it WRT ↵ (YES) NO - data is correct and can be saved STOR 01 XXXX Continue with STOR entries until list complete... WRT ↵
LD 57 - Attach a Pilot DN to list:
REQ CHG TYPE FFC CUST 0 CODE PLDN PLDN XXXX Pilot Directory Number, must be unique USE GPHT this PLDN is for Group Hunting LSNO XX list number created in LD 18 HTYP Hunt type: (LIN) or RRB CFWI (NO) YES = Skip DN if CFW Activated MQUE (ALL) = No limit on queued Calls 0 = No queued, 1 = Max. 1 call queued
Edit a list:
To add/remove a DN from a group hunt list, we need to know the list number (LSNO) and the store entry number (STOR) within the list.
Use this procedure if you get a SCH8825 message when changing a TN.
Print Group Hunt Lists in LD 20:
REQ PRT TYPE GHT LSNO list number, or ↵ for all lists
Changes are made in LD 18.
REQ CHG TYPE GHT LSNO XX enter the list number to edit, this is the GHLN from above SIZE ↵ STOR XX YYYY enter the store number, space, then the new DN number WRT ↵ return (YES) to update the list
To remove an entry at the STOR prompt:
STOR XX <space> enter the store number & space ↵ WRT ↵ hit return until back at REQ prompt
LSNO - List Number can be any number
DNSZ - DN size = DN length, eg 4
SIZE - how many entries there be in the list (hunt group)
STOR - store hunt member DN's, up to the value of SIZE
Just C/R at WRT to save, as default response is YES