Mike's PBX Cookbook

Common Commands

Index: open quick links.

Commonly Used Informational Commands

System Information:

LD 22:REQ = ISSPrint software Issue and Release
LD 22:REQ = ISSPPrint patch and plug-in information
LD 22:REQ = SLTList used and remaining licenses
LD 22:REQ = TIDView the Security ID or “Tape” ID
LD 22:PRT, PKGView list of installed feature packages
LD 22:PRT, ADANView TTYs, D-channels, AMLs, ELANs
LD 22:PRT, CEQUView Common Equipment and E1/T1 Locations
LD 135:STAT CPUView health of CPU
LD 73:PRT, DDBView Clock and Threshold information
LD 21:PRT, CDBView Customer Data Block
LD 20:PRT, DNBView specific DN information
LD 97:PRT, SUPLView existing super loops
LD 48:STAT AMLView health of Application Module Links
LD 48:STAT ELANView health of AML over Ethernet
LD 21:PRT, FFCView Flexible Feature Codes

System Inventory:

LD 117:Inv Generate CardsGenerate card list (Generate before Prt)
LD 117:Inv Prt CardsList cards by slot
LD 117:Inv Generate SetsGenerate telephone set list (Generate before Prt)
LD 117:Inv Prt SetsList telephone sets with extension numbers and TNs that can be copied and pasted into Excel

Loop Information:

LD 32:STAT nnView loop “n” or STAT only for all loops
LD 60:STATView all digital loops

Force Logoff (login with LAPW or level 2):

>whoView current TTY sessions
forc xxForce logout for xx = TTY number
send xxSend message to TTY xx, enter message on next line
send allSends message to all logged in TTYs


LD 37:dis/enl/stat xxDisable, enable, stat TTY number xx

Copy Putty Settings to other computer::

MRV Login::

Enable Midnight Switchover DROL:

LD 22:prt, ovlyCheck status
LD 17:chg, ovlyChange parameters
MID_SCPU = yesEnable Core Switchover
DROL = xx xx xxEnable other overlays as needed, eg 32, 43, etc.

TTY View and Reset:

LD 37:STAT TTYView status of all TTY ports
LD 37:DIS TTY xDisable TTY port (x)
LD 37:ENL TTY xEnable TTY port (x)

View Alarm History:

LD 22:PRT, AHSTView All Alarm History
LD 22:PRT, PHSTView Partial Alarm History since last PHST
LD 22:PRT, OVLYView Daily Routines performed for History
LD 17:CHG, OVLY, DROLAdd or Delete Routines (preceding x will delete)
LD 117:PRT SEL 500View History held in non-volatile memory
LD 117:CHG SELSIZE 2000Change Non-Volatile History Buffer (Default = 500, Max = 2000)

BARS Information:

LD 87:PRT, 0, CDP, ALLPrint Coordinated Dialing Plan
LD 86:PRT, 0, ESNPrint BARS access code (8 or 9 typical) Step 1
LD 90:PRT, 0, NET, AC1, SPNPrint Special Numbers Step 2
LD 86:PRT, 0, RLB, RLIPrint Route List Indices Step 3
LD 86:PRT, 0, DGT, DMIPrint Digit Manipulation Indices
LD 87:PRT, 0, NCTL, 0 7Display NCOS and FRL Values (NRNG = 0 7)

Station Information:

LD 95:PRT, NAMEView Calling Party Name Display info
LD 95:CHG, NAMEChange Calling Party Name Display
LD 20:PRT, DNBDiscover TN and key info of telephone set by DN
LD 20:PRT, TNBView telephone set by TN
LD 81:LST, [FEAT], [FEAT],…List all sets that have specified feature(s)

Routes and Trunks:

LD 21:ltmList Trunk Members, sorted by route (very handy!)
LD 21:prt, rdbView Routes by route number, or all
LD 20:prt, tnbView trunks by terminal number TN (port)

Remove and Insert E1/T1 Card:

LD 96:dis dch xDisable D-channel
LD 96:dis msdl l s cDisable MSDL by loop, shelf, card (if exists)
LD 60:disl lDisable loop
LD 60:dis cc xDisable clock (x) if card is primary reference
- Remove E1/T1 Card
- Insert E1/T1 Card
LD 60:enl cc xEnable clock (x) if card is primary reference
LD 96:enl msdl l s c fdlEnable MSDL with forced download
LD 96:enl dch xEnable D-Channel
LD 60:enll lEnable loop

E1/T1 Add Clock :

For UDT card, install Clock Module XXXX, and enable CRC with serial port on faceplate
LD 73:chg, pri2, lpti, (loop), MFF=CRCEnable CRC on E1/T1 card
LD 73:chg, pri2, sytiAdd clock configuration for ISDN
MGCLK = l s cLoop, Shelf, Card of E1/T1 where new clock is located
PREF = cCard of E1 as Primary Clock Reference
SREF = cCard of E1 as Secondary Clock Reference
LD 60:enl cc x (l s)Enable clock n in Opt-11 or Loop, Shelf (l s) in CS1000
SSCK n (l s)View status of clock n or Loop, Shelf (l s) in CS1000
TRCK xxx n (l s)Track clock as PCK, SCLK, FRUN in clock x or (l s) CS1K
SSCK n (l s)Verify status of clock

E1/T1 Clock Maintenance:

LD 73:PRT, DDBView Digital Data Block for DTI (non ISDN)
LD 73:PRT, PRI2, SYTIView Clock Controller data and clock location
LD 60:SSCK x <full>View status of clock (x) in Opt-11, <full> optional
LD 60:SSCK l sView status of clock in (l) loop (s) shelf in CS1000
LD 60:DIS CC xDisable clock (x) in Opt-11
LD 60:DIS CC l sDisable clock in (l) loop (s) shelf in CS1000
LD 60:ENL CC xEnable clock (x) in Opt-11
LD 60:ENL CC l sEnable clock in (l) loop (s) shelf in CS1000
LD 60:TRCK xxx nTrack clock (n) as PCK, SCLK, FRUN in Opt-11
LD 60:TRCK xxx l sTrack clock as PCK, SCLK, FRUN in loop shelf CS1000

E1/T1 Clock Relocation:

LD 60:dis cc n (l s)Disable clock controller (n) or (l s)
LD 73:chg, pri2, sytiDisable clock tracking of PREF or SREF for E1
LD 60:trck pck n / l sTrack Primary Clock (n) / for loop, shelf (l s)
LD 60:trck sclk n / l sTrack Secondary Clock (n) / for loop, shelf (l s)
LD 60:trck frun n / l sTrack Free Run Clock (n) / for loop, shelf (l s)


LD 96:MAP DCH xView MSDL information for DCH (x)

System Maintenance:

LD 43:EDDBack up database to flash memory
LD 22:PRT, AHSTPrint all system event history

INI System (Meridian):

<Ctrl> pdt:Enter PDT mode
Username:pdt2Enter PDT username
Pwd:2tdp22lerPDT password (Rel 22 and pdt2 backwards)
rebootfor INI (refresh) or…
reboot -1to SYSLOAD (boot reload from tape)

CPU Maintenance:

LD 135:stat cpuView general status of CPU Cores
LD 135:stat healthView full health list of both CPU Cores (14 good)
LD 135:scpuSwitch active core
LD 135:split (join)Split Cores to non-shadowed mode, or re-join
LD 135:ini active (inactive)Warm start the active or inactive core
LD 135:ini bothWarm start both cores simultaneously
LD 135:sysload active (inactive)Cold start active or inactive core
LD 135:sysload bothCold start both cores simultaneously

Meridian XPE and Superloop Status:

LD 97:PRT, XPE, [Enter]View Extended Peripheral Shelves
LD 97:PRT, SUPLView Superloops

D-Channel Trace Monitoring:

LD 96:ENL MSGI xEnable messages incoming for DCH (x)
LD 96:ENL MSGO xEnable messages outgoing for DCH (x)
LD 96:STAT MONView status of trace output and active traces
LD 96:ENL MON TTYEnable/View trace monitoring on the TTY output
LD 96:DIS MON TTYDisable viewing trace monitor on the TTY output
LD 96:DIS MON ALLDisable all trace monitoring
LD 96:DIS MSGI xDisable messages incoming for DCH (x)
LD 96:DIS MSGO xDisable messages outgoing for DCH (x)

Call Trace:

LD 80:TRAC l s c uBasic trace of TN
LD 80:TRAC l s c u DEVInclude BARS data in outgoing call
LD 80:TRAC cust dnCustomer 0, and DN of phone or route ACOD
LD 80:TRAD l chLoop and Channel of E1 or T1 trunk
LD 80:TRIP [IP Address]Trace IP address of IP phone or trunk
LD 80:ENTC l s c u tEnhanced trace with time duration of trace
LD 80:ENTC l s c u t DEVInclude BARS data in outgoing call
LD 80:ENTD l ch tLoop and Channel of E1 or T1 trunk
LD 80:GOTRBegin enhanced trace
LD 80:STPTStop enhanced trace
LD 80:FITRQuery of running enhanced traces. 3 max.
LD 80:DIST nDisable specific enhanced trace from FITR (n)
LD 80:DALLDisable all enhanced trace commands

PRI E1 - Installation


Add Card/Loop:

LD 22:prt cequFind available virtual loop for CS1000 (NOT Superloop)
LD 17:REQ: chg
TYPE: cequPress <Enter> until PRI2
PRI2: xxxxxx = loop or small system card number
MG_CARD: l s cIf MG card exists, loop, shelf, and card slot num
Press ↵ until end
LD 22:prt cequVerify new loop

Add D-Channel:

LD 96:stat dchFind free D-Channel
LD 17:REQ: chg
TYPE: adanAction Device and Number
ADAN: new dch xx = new D-channel number
CTYP: msdlMulti Serial Data Link
MG_CARD: l s cIf MG card exists, loop, shelf, & card slot num of PRI
CDNO: l s cD-Channel or MSDL loop, shelf, card slot num
DES: X1200Designator of PRI circuit/equipment
USR: priEquipment user of the new D-channel
IFC: euroInterface Facility Code type for D-channel
CNTY: etsiCountry code for ETS300=102 basic protocol
PINX_CUST: 0Customer number for DN address translation
DCHL: ll = D-Channel loop number
Press ↵ until end
LD 96:stat dchVerify new D-Channel

Enable E1 CRC:

LD 73:REQ: chg
TYPE: pri2PRI on E1
FEAT: lptiLoop Timers
LOOP: xx = loop number
MFF: crcMulti-frame Format is Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC vs. AFF)
Press ↵ until end

Add PRI Trunk Route:

LD 21:prt, rdbFind available Route number
LD 20:prt, dnbFind available DN for Route ACOD
LD 21:prt, netFind and record PNI index (0 disables Trk to Trk)
LD 16:REQ: newCreate a new trunk route
TYPE: rdbRoute Data Block
CUST: 0Customer Number
ROUT: xxRoute Numbrt
DES: X1200Designator for NetBox
TKTP: tieUsing TIE trunks (or DID)
DTRK: yesDigital Trunk Yes
DGTP: pri2Digital Trunk Type for Route
ISDN: yesIntegrated Services Digital Network
IFC: euroInterface Facility Code
CNTY: etsiCountry Code
PNI: (0) or 1Match PNI to LD 15, NET (0 disables Trk to Trk)
DSEL: vceData Selection type Voice
ICOG: iaoIncoming and Outgoing service
ACOD: xxRoute Access Code
CDR: yesEnable Call Detail Recording if needed
INC: yesEnable incoming calls for future use
OAL: yesEnable outgoing calls
Press ↵ until end
LD 21:prt, rdb, ROUT = xxVerify new route configuration

Add PRI Trunks:

LD 14:REQ: new 30Add 30 new trunks to E1 Route
TYPE: tieE1 set up as TIE trunks
TN: xx 1xx = loop or card plus starting trunk member 1
DES: X1200Designator for NetBox
PCML: aPulse code modulation law is A-law
CUST: 0Customer 0
NCOS: (0)NCOS as needed. 0 is default on <Enter>
RTMB: xRoute member number in the route
TGAR: (1)TGAR as needed. 1 is default on <Enter>
CLS: unr dtnThis adds “unrestricted” & “digitone” to default CLS
LD 20:prt, tieVerify new trunks config and verify quantity of trunks

Enable MSDL, D-channel, and Loop:

LD 96:enl msdl l s c fdlEnable MSDL with full download
LD 96:enl dch x (fdl)Enable D-Channel (x)
LD 60:enll xEnable Loop (x)

BARS Route List Block (ESN 1):

LD 86:PRT, RLBEnter RLI number or <Enter> for all. Make note of current routing for long distance calls and determine which RLIs need to be modified with NetBox route. NetBox will typically be entry 0 in any U.S. destination long distance RLI.
LD 86:CHG or NEWModify or add new RLI as needed to accomplish desired routing.
CUST: 0Customer Number
FEAT: rlbRoute List Block
RLI: xxxx = RLI number to add or modify
ENTR: 0x = RLI entry number. 0 is first out, 1 is second out, etc.
ROUT: xxxx = Trunk route number for outgoing call
SBOC: rraStep Back on Congestion, Reroute All
COPT: 2Allows alternate routing
IDBB: dbaAllows drop back if all routes busy
ENTR: 1Continue with second route entry (alternate)
ROUT: yyyy = alternate route if main route is all busy or out of service. Continue with additional alternate route entries if needed.

Define Special Number Translation (SPN) (ESN 3):

LD 90:prt, net, ac1, spnView existing SPN entries
LD 90:chg or newModify or add new SPN number as needed to accomplish desired Routing

Annex E1 Installation with PRI


Add Card/Loop:

LD 22:prt, cequFind available virtual loop for E1 trunks. Consider using same number for Loop, Route, RLI, and DCH.
LD 17:REQ: chg
TYPE: cequPress <Enter> until PRI2
PRI2: xxxxxx = loop or small system card number (eg 21, etc)
MG_CARD: l s cIf MG card exists, loop, shelf, and card slot num
Press ↵ until end
LD 22:PRT, CEQUVerify new loop

Add D-Channel:

LD 96:stat dchFind free D-Channel
LD 17:REQ: chg
TYPE: adanAction Device and Number
ADAN: new dch xxxxxx = new D-channel number
CTYP: msdlMulti Serial Data Link
MG_CARD: l s cIf MG card exists, loop, shelf, & card slot num of PRI
CDNO: l s cD-Channel or MSDL loop, shelf, card slot num
PORT: 1Port 1 if on DCHI daughterboard (0-3 for MSDL card)
DES: Annex_TIEDesignator of Annex equipment
USR: priEquipment user of the new D-channel
IFC: euroInterface Facility Code type for D-channel
CNTY: netCountry is ETSI Network Side Protocol
PINX_CUST: 0Customer number for DN address translation
DCHL: xxxxxx = PRI D-Channel loop number
RCAP: nd2 mwi colpMsg Wait, Network Name Display, Connected line ID
Press ↵ until end
LD 96:stat dchVerify new D-Channel

Add Trunk Route:

LD 21:ltmFind available Route for Annex E1
LD 20:prt, ludn, 0, dnFind available DN or DN range for Route ACOD
LD 21:prt, netFind and record PNI index (0 disables Trk to Trk)
LD 16:REQ: newCreate a new trunk route
TYPE: rdbRoute Data Block
CUST: 0Customer Number
ROUT: xxRoute for Annex E1
DES: Annex_TIEDesignator for Annex E1 TIE
TKTP: tieTIE trunks for Annex E1
DTRK: yesDigital Trunk Yes
DGTP: pri2Digital Trunk Type for Route is PRI2
IFC: euroInterface Facility Code
CNTY: netCountry is ETSI Network Side Protocol
PNI: (0) or 1Match PNI to LD 15, NET (0 disables Trk to Trk)
DSEL: vodData Selection type Voice or Data
ICOG: iaoIncoming and Outgoing service
ACOD: xxDirect Route Access Code
TARG: 0No TARG (Default is 1)
CDR: noCall Detail Recording not needed
Press ↵ until end
LD 21:prt, rout = xxVerify new route configuration

Add Annex E1 Trunks:

LD 14:REQ: new 30Add 30 new trunks to E1 Route
TYPE: tieE1 set up as TIE trunks
TN: xx 1xx = loop or card plus starting trunk member 1
DES: Annex_TIEDesignator for Annex_TIE E1
PCML: APulse code modulation law is A-law
CUST: 0Customer 0
NCOS: 5NCOS as needed. 5 is typical. 0 is default on <Enter>
RTMB: x yRoute number and member number in the route
TGAR: 0TGAR as needed. 0 is typical. 1 is default on <Enter>
CLS: unr dtnThis adds “unrestricted” and “digitone” to default CLS.
LD 20:prt, tieVerify new trunks configuration and verify quantity of trunks.

Route List Block for Annex Route:

LD 86:prt, rlb, xEnter RLI number (x) or <Enter> for all
LD 86:REQ: newAdd new RLI for routing to the Annex_TIE route
CUST: 0Customer Number
FEAT: rlbRoute List Block
RLI: xxxx = RLI number to add
ENTR: 0x = RLI entry number. 0 is first and only choice out
ROUT: xxxx = Trunk route number for outgoing call
Press ↵ until end

Coordinated Dialing Plan for Annex extensions:

LD 20:prt, dn, ludnView unused DNs and select extension ranges
LD 87:prt, cdp, dsc (x)View existing DSC (x) or all DSCs (Enter)
LD 87:REQ: newAdd new CDP routes as needed for extension ranges or individual extensions
CUST: 0Customer 0
FEAT: cdpCoordinated Dialing Plan
TYPE: dscDistant Steering Code
DSC: xxx or xxxxUse 3 digit range for 10 extensions (xxx) or 4 digit individual extension
FLEN: 4Flexible Length number of 4 digits
DSP: lscDisplay local steering code
RLI: xxRoute list index that routes to Annex E1
Press ↵ until end

Add Clock Controller:

Note: Add CC only if one does not exist already on the shelf of new E1 card. E1 card must be equipped with a CC to configure.

LD 73:prt, pri2, sytiView existing configured clock controllers in the system
LD 73:chg, pri2, sytiAdd new Clock Controller
MGCLK: l s cLoop, Shelf, Card of E1 where new clock is located
PREF: cCard of E1 as Primary Clock Reference
SREF: (Enter)Secondary Clock Reference not needed
LD 60: enl cc n (l s)Enable clock (n) in Opt-11 or Loop, Shelf (l s) in CS1000
TRCK xxx n (l s)Track clock as FRUN (for Annex) in clock n or (l s) in CS1K
SSCK n (l s)Verify status of clock

Enable MSDL, D-channel, and Loop:

LD 96:enl msdl l s c fdlEnable MSDL with full download
LD 96:enl dch x (fdl)Enable D-Channel (x)
LD 60:enll xEnable Loop (x)