Mike's PBX Cookbook

Call Redirection by Time/Date

Call Redirection by Time of Day (CRTOD), Call Redirection by Day (CRDAY), and Call Redirection by Holiday (CRHOL) enhance Call Forward No Answer, Hunting and Call Forward by Call Type by adding time of day, day of week, or date (holiday) control.

1LD 15: RDR = YES

Call redirection times and/or dates are set in LD 15, four time/day/date options are available for each type:

CRTODYESCall Redirection by Time of Day
CRT0(-3)SH SM EH EMAlternate time option 0-3, where: SH/SM = start hours/minutes, EH/EM = end hours/minutes (hour: 00-23, minute: 00-59) Enter "X" to remove current value

CRDAYYESCall Redirection by Day
DAY0(-3)x x...xList of alternate days in list 0-3. Where x = 1...7 Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, Wednesday = 4, Thursday = 5 ,Friday=6, Saturday=7. To remove a day value precede the day number with an X

Call Redirection by Holiday: Add, change, or delete (all) holiday dates
DATEdd mm yyyyEnter holiday date. dd = day. mm = month. yyyy = year (max. 20 dates)
HOL_OPTn n n nHoliday Option List to which entered date applies, where: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, or ALL


Allow a time/day/date class of service, enter the option number, and enter alternate forwarding destinations:
Note, while alternate DN's are prompted for digital sets, they're added with feature (FTR) to analog sets.

CLSRTDACall Redirection by the Time of Day allowed
RBDACall Redirection By Day Allowed
RBHACall Redirection By Holiday Allowed
ARTO(0)-3Alternate Redirection Time Option for call redirection
ADAY(0)-3Alternate days in DAY list 0-3 are selected for the set
AHOL(0)-3Alternate redirection holiday(s) in Holiday list 0-3
FTRAFDAlternate Call Forward No Answer DN
AHNTAlternate Hunt DN
AEFDAlternate External Call Forward No Answer DN
AEHTAlternate External Hunt DN


To set up Call Redirection by Time of Day:

REQ chg                  LD 15 - Customer Data Block
TYPE rdr 
CRTOD yes                Call redirection by time of day
CRT0 12 00 13 00         Alternate time option 0: start hours/mins end hours/mins)

REQ chg LD 10/11 - analog set TYPE 500 TN l s c u ECHG chg ITEM cls rtda Call redirection by time of day allowed, RTDD to clear ITEM arto 0 Alternate redirection time option (0-3) ITEM ftr afd xxxx Alternate flexible call forward to DN xxxx ITEM ftr ahnt xxxx Alternate hunt to DN xxxx ITEM :
REQ chg LD 10/11 - digital set TYPE 3904 TN l s c u ECHG chg ITEM cls rtda Call redirection by time of day allowed ITEM arto 0 Alternate redirection time option (0-3) ITEM afd xxxx Alternate flexible call forward to DN xxxx ITEM ahnt xxxx Alternate hunt to DN xxxx ITEM :