Mike's PBX Cookbook


Commercial (off-net) calling using BARS (Basic Automatic Route Selection)...

BARS Network Translations:

A subscriber dials the BARS access code (AC1, usually '9'), followed by a number.
BARS tries to match the dialed digits in one of the following code translation data blocks:

Special Number Code (SPN)
AC1 xx…xx
(variable lengths)
Central Office Code (NXX)
AC1 xxxxxxx
(3 digit NXX 4 digits)
Numbering Plan Area (NPA)
AC1 xxxxxxxxxx
(3 digit NPA + 7 digits)

BARS Calling Sequence:

  1. 9-xxx-xxxx... is dialed (9 is the BARS access code: LD 86 ESN, AC1=9).
  2. In the Translation Table, digits dialed after “9” are matched to a SPN, NXX or NPA (LD 90 NET). The call is processed using the Route List Index (RLI) of the prefix (LD 86 RLB, RLI, FRL). If there is an SDRR for the RLI, some digits dialed after the prefix are allowed or denied.
  3. If there is an FSNI for the RLI entry, the digits dialed after the prefix are either allowed or denied. The RLI’s Facility Restriction Level (FRL) is then compared to the NCOS/FRL of the station. If the station’s FRL (LD 11& 87) is equal or greater than the RLI’s FRL, the call proceeds.
  4. An idle trunk is seized in the RLI’s trunk route (LD 86 ROUT and LD 16 RDB).
  5. Are any digits to be Inserted or Deleted for the RLI (LD 86 RLB and DGT)?
  6. The Dialed Digits with any modification are sent out on the trunk.

What to print:

LD 90Description
PRT, NET, SUM ↵Print Network Translation Summary (& AC1/2)
PRT, NET, AC1, SPN ↵Print Network Translations (SPN, NXX, NPA)

LD 86Description
PRT, RLB ↵Print the Route List entries (for the route)
PRT, DGT ↵Print the Digit Manipulation tables (if used)

Source: Nortel Training Documentation.