Mike's PBX Cookbook

BARS programming course
- Programming -

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Programming can be broken into three arbitrary sections: Planning and information gathering, Preliminary setup, and Functional programming. The planning stage is the most critical because no matter what follows, if the first stage was not done properly, the resulting behavior will not be the expected functionally. The preliminary programming set a group of memory sizes. This must be done before any other BARS related programming, but can be changed later if conditions change. The final stage consists of several overlays or loads and functions that actually define BARS operation.

Detailed Sequence of Programming


See the Planning & Programming Guide.

For each station, determine the following:

For each trunk route, determine the following:

Select system wide parameters:

Use the above information to determine the minimum value for each of these parameters. It is suggested that you increase the determined value by 10% to allow for easy growth. This is only a suggestion because any of these values can be increased at any time. Nortel does not state a memory conflict in this area so you could actually set every one of these parameters to its maximum without causing a problem.


The following changes in load 15 can be done at any time, or even skipped if the default values are acceptable. The load 86 ESN programming, however, must be done before any other BARS programming is attempted.

Adjust intercept treatments if required.

LD 15
TYPE:INT_DATAGate opener
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
ACCDOVF OVF OVF ATNAccess denied (Stn | Atnd | CO Trunk | DID)
MBNROVF OVF OVF ATNMaintenance busy 
CTRCOVF NAP OVF NAPRestricted call
CLDNNAP OVF NAP NAPCalls to listed directory number
NBLKOVF OVF OVF ATNBlocked NARS/BARS call (no usable trunk available)
:Remaining fields do not affect NARS/BARS calls.
<CR> to accept the default values.

Establish buffer sizes since no default exists for any of the following "MX - -".

LD 86
REQNEWCan't change something that doesn't exist.
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEATESNElectronic Switched Network
MXLCMaximum number of location codes for NARS use
MXSDMaximum number of SDRR blocks
MXIXMaximum number of incoming trunk group exclusion tables
MXDMMaximum number of digit manipulation tables
MXRLMaximum number of route lists
MXFCMaximum number of free calling area screening tables
MXFSMaximum number of free special number screening tables
CDP(YES) NOCoordinated Dialing Plan feature for this customer?
MSCCGlobal Knowledge won't admit anything about this feature.
AC19Typical BARS access code
AC2Only used by NARS
DLTN(YES) NOSecond dial tone provided after dialing the access code
ERWT(YES) NOExpensive Route Warning Tone customer wide enable
TODSDefine time of day schedules. All 24 hours default to schedule 0
RTCL(DIS) YESRouting controls enabled?
NMAPxx yyNCOS map NCOS xx becomes NCOS yy when RTCL= YES, and either TOD 7 is active or when the attendant's <RTC> key is pressed.
ETODRouting control for days of the week 1 = Sun ... 7 = Sat
TGAR(NO) YESChecks for trunk group access restrictions on BARS calls.

For example:

Set anything 'MX' to 255!

LD 86
REQ new
FEATesnFeature = ESN (Electronic switched network)
MXLC255Max.# of location codes for NARS use
MXSD255Max.# of SDRR blocks
MXIX255Max.# of incoming trunk group exclusion tables
MXDM255Max.# of digit manipulation tables
MXRL255Max.# of route lists
MXCM255Max.# of CLID manipulation lists (1-256)
MXFC255Max.# Free Calling area screening tables
MXFS255Max.# of free special number screening tables
CDP yesCoordinated Dialing Plan feature for this customer?
MXSC255Max.# of Steering Codes (if CDP=yes)
NCDP4Max.# Number of digits in CDP DN (DSC + DN or LSC + DN) (if CDP=yes)
AC1 9Typical BARS access code
AC2 8Only used by NARS
DLTNyesSecond dial tone provided after dialing the access code
ERWTyesExpensive Route Warning Tone customer wide enable
ERDTExpensive Route Delay Time: 0-(6)-10
TODSDefine time of day schedules. All 24 hours default to schedule 0
RTCLRouting Controls (DIS) YES
TGARChecks for trunk group access restrictions on BARS calls.

Functional Programming:

The following has a direct affect on the functioning of BARS. In some cases the suggested order just keeps the jumping from one load to another at a minimum, in other cases it sets up data blocks that are indexed into by subsequent items.

Digit Manipulation

LD 86
REQNEWSelect a customer, typically 0
CUST0 - 99
FEATDGTDigit manipulation
DMICan't be more than MXDM - 1
DELNumber of leading digits to delete
INSTActual digit string to prefix to what the user dialed.
SCCISpecial Common Carrier index. Ignore this, Global Knowledge does.
CTYPChanges the call type flag on an ISDN call. It has no effect onother facilities.

Network restrictions for station NCOS

LD 87
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEATNTCLOnly NCOS FRL has to be defined in this block, all else is optional.
SOHQ (NO) YESOff-hook queuing option?
SCBQ (NO) YESCall-back queuing option?
NRNGNCOS range or
NCOSNCOS number to be modified
EQA(NO) YESEqual access associated with this NCOS group?
FRL(0) - 7Facility Restriction Level (the higher, the less restricted)
RWTA(NO) YESexpensive route warning tone for the users of this NCOS?
OHQ(YES) NOOff-hook queuing eligibility?
CBQ(NO) YESCall Back queuing eligibility?
SPRIStarting priority in CBQ
MPRIMaximum Priority attainable in CBQ
PROMPriority Promotion timer
TOHQTCOS OHQ eligibility?

Free calling area screening of NPA numbers

LD 87
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEATFCASThis only works on Area Codes (NPA in ENPA format).
FCIAn index into this table.
NPA3-digit area code to be screened
NXXDENY or ALOWWill this table list all denied or allowed numbers?
DENY or ALOW3-digit office code or range to be screened. This table defines all 800 possible office codes. Any number not listed in a DENY table is allowed, and anynumber not listed in an ALOW table is denied.

Free special number screening for additional digits

LD 87
CUST 0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEAT FSNUse this to screen for additional digits after a service code or non-ENPA formatted code.
FSNIAn index into this table.
SPN3-digit special number code to be screened
XXXDENY or ALOWWill this table list all denied or allowed numbers?
DENY or ALOW3-digit code or range to be screened. This table defines all 1,000 possible codes. Any number not listed in a DENY table is allowed, and any number not listed in an ALOW table is denied.

Build each required route list.

All load 86 and 87 programming listed above must be completed before starting this. This and the translation check table below are the actual working part of BARS. The Route List Block defines each group of trunks, (or Route), who can use it, and when it can be used.

LD 86
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEATRLBDefine a Route List Block.
RLIIndex number that will be referenced in the Translation Check Table.
ENTR0Entry point or position in the list. 0 is always the first.
LTER(NO) YESNARS stuff (take the default)
ROUT0 - 511Actual Route Data Block number that was defined in LD 16 before starting BARS programming.
SCNV(NO) YESSkip conventional signaling (take the default)
TDET(NO) YESTone detector used (take the default)
TOD0 - 7Time of day periods this entry can be used.
VNS(NO) YES(take the default)
CNV(NO)YES(take the default)
EXP(NO) YESExpensive Route Warning Tone to be provided (see ISET note)
FRL(0) - 7Primary restriction tool. The higher the number, the more restrictive.
DMI(0) - 999Digit Manipulation Index
ISDM(0) - 255ISDN D-channel down Digit Manipulation index
FCI(0) - 255Free Calling Area Screening index
FSNI(0) - 255Free Special Number Screening index
BNE(NO) YESBusiness Network Extension Route NARS stuff (take the default)
SBOC(take the default)
IDBB(take the default)
IOHQ(NO) YESISDN Off-hook queuing option
OHQ(NO) YESOff-Hook Queuing allowed
CBQ(NO) YESCall Back Queuing allowed
ISETNumber of entries in the Initial set (minimum of 1). The ESET orextended set begins just below this point. An entry must be in the ESET to give ERWT.

Finally, build the Network Translation Check Table.

This table defines calls, or digit patterns, that can use each Route List Block. Since there are no "wild card" characters, it's suggested that you define all 800 possible ENPA codes when you build the table and point them at the IVG route list. It will save you from having to update the table every time a new area code is commissioned.

LD 90
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
FEATNETFor BARS it is always table 1
HNPAdefine your local Area Code. This is really an aspect of private networking. Outside of North America, you need not be concerned
LD 90
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
TRANAC1For BARS it is always table 1
NPA[1] xxx [yyy zzzz]everything in [brackets] is optional
RLIA route list you defined in LD 86 FEAT RLB
SDRRSDRR invoked for this call: ALOW, DDD, DENY, DID, ITED, LDDD, LDID, orSTRK
selected type repeats and expects a response of digits to be tested.
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
TRANAC1For BARS it is always table 1
NXX[1] yyy [zzzz][1] and [zzz] are optional elements, only 3 digits are required.
RLIA route list you defined in LD 86 FEAT RLB.
SDRRSDRR invoked for this call: ALOW, DDD, DENY, DID, ITED, LDDD, LDID, orSTRK
selected type repeats and expects a response of digits to be tested.
LD 90
CUST0 - 99Select a customer, typically 0
TRANAC1For BARS it is always table 1
SPNSpecial number digit sequence to be identified
FLEN(0) - 24Flexible length maximum.
INPL(NO) YESInternational dialing plan?
ITOH(NO) YESinhibit timeout handler?
RLIA route list you defined in LD 86 FEAT RLB.
SDRRSDRR invoked for this call: ALOW, ARRN, DDD, DENY, DID, ITED, LDDD, LDID, or STRK
selected type repeats and expects a response of digits to be tested.

SDRR Explained:

SDRR prevents a call from using a trunk without necessarily blocking the call. DENY will kill a call in its tracks. LDDD will divert a call to the local attendant. LDID will send a call directly to an internal extension without using an outgoing and incoming trunk (a trombone connection). In part this is accomplished by using a Digit Manipulation Table that was defined in LD 86 FEAT DGT. This table will tell the system how many digits to delete (not counting the access code which is always removed automatically on any BARS call) and insert if required to match the internal dialing pattern. ALOW (Nortel's spelling, not my mistake) is an exception to one of the previous conditions. Although there are no wild characters, a short digit string includes all possible longer strings unless excluded (in this case excluded from being blocked) by a longer digit sequence in an ALOW list. The remaining types are for networking applications and will not be addressed this side of NARS.

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