Mike's PBX Cookbook

Second dial tone after digits

Sometimes it's useful to provide a second dial tone, also known as a 'courtesy' or 'comfort' dial-tone, after a dialed digit sequence or access code. This is achieved with the Special Dial Tone After Dialed Number (DTAD), and Flexible Tones and Cadences (FTC) data blocks - both found in LD 56.

1Make sure DLTN is off, as it over-rides DTAD: LD 86, FEAT ESN, DLTN NO (default is YES)

2Define the digit pattern in LD 56 DTAD: Special Dial Tone After Dialed Number data block

REQ new
TYPE dtad
DDGT 9             dialed digits (1-5 digits)
TONE src1          tone source after these digits
DDGT               hit return to finish

3Define the source tone in LD 56 FTC: Flexible Tones and Cadences data block

REQ  chg
TYPE ftc
TABL 0             FTC table number (0-32)
SRC  yes
 XTON 68           68 in ZA, 175 in D, 4 in NA
SRC2               hit return until finished

In this example, after digit 9 is dialed, source tone 1 is heard. Eight 'sources' (SRC1 thru 8) can be defined in each FTC table.
I'm not sure what all the XTON country tones are, but 68 is South African, 175 German, and 4 (default) is North American dial tone.

An FTC table number (0-31) can be entered for each trunk route at prompt TTBL in LD16. Table 0 is the default for all trunk routes and contains the default tones and cadences for North America. The FTC feature is mainly intended for international markets which require localised tones.