IPO Security Settings
In Manager, goto: File ➤ Preferences ➤ Security settings
- Security settings are immediate on save, eg, changes do not require a reboot.
1 General Settings (pic 1)
Security Administrator box...
- Previous Password Limit: 0
Service User Details box...
- Min password length: 6
- Password reject action: 'Log and Temporary Disable'
IP Office User Details box...
- Password Enforcement, uncheck to remove password requirement for IP Phones

2 System ➤ Unsecured Interfaces Tab (pic 2)
- System Password is for upgrades
- Voicemail password must match Voicemail Pro, must be 31 characters
Application controls box
- 'Dev link' is the only thing that needs to be checked

3Certificates (pic 3)
- Click 'Regenerate' to clear expiry errors

4Service: Configuration (pic 4)
- System Status Interface, set to 'Unsecure + Secure'
- With IP Phones, set HTTP to 'Unsecure + Secure'

5Service User: Administrator (pic 5)
- Change the IP Office Administrator password here!
- Right click in Service Users box to add an account, then assign Rights for that user.