Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCN Meshed Configuration

In a SCN meshed configuration, where each site can reach each other directly, we need IP lines to each site - from each site. The IP network, and IP routes in the IP Office configurations, will vary per customer. With 4 sites, we would have the following constellation: scnmesh.png

IP Routes:

We need a default gateway on each IP Office, to send IP traffic out of the LAN2 (WAN) interface.
At each site, add an IP Route, eg: at Site A, add the following (assuming the gateway is X.X.X.254):

  • IP Address:
  • IP Mask:
  • Gateway IP: (site)
  • Destination: LAN2 (the WAN port)

IP Office Lines:

In addition to IP connectivity between sites, we also need IP Office Line trunks.
Use WAN/LAN2 for IP phones and the SCN; LAN/LAN1 is for local maintenance.
Note, all IP Office's and SCN trunks should be on the same (LAN2) interface.

By assigning each site a 'line number', its easier to identify it!
For example, with our four sites above, we might assign:

SiteIP Office GatewayLine

Then at each Site, build the following IP Office Lines with the appropriate gateway address:

Line:18, 19, 2017, 19, 2017, 18, 2017, 18, 19

This can be quickly built by adding the first line, then copy/pasting, and editing. buildscn2.png

PTT Trunks:

With SCN, extensions route automagically, but trunk access requires a Short Code pointing to the site with the trunk on each system. For example, if there are PTT trunks connected at Site A, there will be a Short Code on Site A pointing to that PTT Line Group. All other sites require a Short Code pointing to Site A, eg, Line Group ID 17.

Eg, Short Codes for 'dial-9', with a PTT trunk connected to Site A:

At Site A:
  • Code 9N;
  • Feature: Dial
  • Telephone Number: N;
  • Line Group: 5
At Sites B, C, D:
  • Code 9N;
  • Feature: Dial
  • Telephone Number: 9N;
  • Line Group: 17

Note: A semi-colon denotes "end-of-dialing" in the Code string.