Mike's PBX Cookbook

Import Multiple Users

Unity's Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) can import a text file with comma-separated values (CSV) to create multiple mailboxes at once. This is extremely handy if upgrading from another Voicemail system, such as CallPilot. How easy this is depends on your Excel/Numbers and Copy/Paste dexterity, but it's worth spending some time on it, as a bulk import is huge time saver when it works!

Get some Data!

The source could be an extension list, or an export from another system. Name & extension is enough to start with. Fields must be plain text, and comma separated which may require some preliminary work in a text editor. Open the CSV file in Excel or Numbers, and make sure it looks good, with the correct data in the correct columns.

Eg, mailbox users exported from CallPilot, opened in Excel or Numbers:

148494849GreenMikeRegular UserLocal User1
244804480SimpsonSarahRegular UserLocal User1
334373437BrownAnitaRegular UserLocal User1
443304330SimpsonMikeRegular UserLocal User1
544864486BrownClaireRegular UserLocal User1
634523452HuntJohnRegular UserLocal User1


At a bare minimum, Unity requires 7 fields:


Therefore, we need to edit the columns and fields to look something like the following...
With some column duplication, fill down, and 'Find & Replace', this actually isn't too hard!

MikeGreenMike GreenMikeGreenVoiceMailUserTemplate48491
SarahSimpsonSarah SimpsonSarahSimpsonVoiceMailUserTemplate44801
AnitaBrownAnita BrownAnitaBrownVoiceMailUserTemplate34371
MikeSimpsonMike SimpsonMikeSimpsonVoiceMailUserTemplate43301
ClaireBrownClaire BrownClaireBrownVoiceMailUserTemplate44861
JohnHuntJohn HuntJohnHuntVoiceMailUserTemplate34521

Export the final table as a CSV (comma separated values) file: File ➤ Export to ➤ CSV...

It should then look as follows when opened in a text editor, where any final tweaking can be done (if necessary).
Ensure that the first row contains the column headings, these are the minimum headings required for Unity Mail:

MikeGreen,Mike Green,Mike,Green,VoiceMailUserTemplate,4849,1
SarahSimpson,Sarah Simpson,Sarah,Simpson,VoiceMailUserTemplate,4480,1
AnitaBrown,Anita Brown,Anita,Brown,VoiceMailUserTemplate,3437,1
MikeSimpson,Mike Simpson,Mike,Simpson,VoiceMailUserTemplate,4330,1
ClaireBrown,Claire Brown,Claire,Brown,VoiceMailUserTemplate,4486,1
JohnHunt,John Hunt,John,Hunt,VoiceMailUserTemplate,3452,1

Note that Numbers will separate values with Semi-colons if the decimal separator is a comma (eg, in Europe).
This can be fixed by changing your Region to UK/US in System Preferences, or with 'Find & Replace' in the text editor.


In Unity, from the left menu select: Tools ➤ Bulk Administration Tool, choose your CSV file, and click Submit batmb.png

If an import fails, open the the ''failed objects report file' by clicking the link. Make the necessary changes, and try again.


* Works without quotes in Unity, but may cause problems interacting with external servers, so be aware.