Mike's PBX Cookbook

Telset Administration

BCM50/400 set based admin

Element Manager is the preferred way to install, configure, and administer a BCM system. But for small quick configuration changes, the Telset interface can be used from any two line phone (M7310, M7324, etc) without needing a PC.

1Find a two line digital set connected to the BCM.
Press the Nortel or Feature key followed by * * C O N F I G.
2Enter the Nortel default telset ID: setnna, or 738662.
Press OK
User ID:_
3Enter the default password: config or 266344.
Press OK
4If it's successful, the display will change to...
You are now in the Configuration tree.

Press NEXT and PREV keys to cycle through the following menu headings:

Use the Show button (see Programming overlays) to drop down into a sub-menu or item, and Heading to go back up or leave it.

Press the Rls key to end the session.