Mike's PBX Cookbook

Load Signaling Servers (4.5)

The following applies to the NTDU27 "pizza box" signaling server. A 'Leader' server is always required, though two servers may be installed in a load-sharing redundant configuration (one leader and a follower) for higher reliability. A DB-9 serial port, and CD-ROM drive are located behind the front drop down cover.

Connect the server to ELAN and TLAN switch ports, TLAN is the UPPER connector.
Aside from power (100-240vac), no other rear connections are required.

NTDU27 Signaling Server Rear Panel:

Load 'Leader' Sig-Server

  1. Using a 9 pin serial cable, connect the server to a TTY. Set the rate to 19200 baud.
  2. Power-up the server, and put the Signalling Server Software CD in the CD drive.
  3. If the CD is recognised as a boot option, a menu will appear:
    Read boot parameters from:
    C: CDROM Drive
    H: Hard Disk
     8 [H] c
  4. Press C to boot from the software installation CD. You should see: Reading boot parameters from /cd0/nvram.sys
  5. Wait until the Nortel splash screen appears, and press <CR> to continue.
  6. Press enter to partition the hard drive. You must do this. System will reboot.
  7. After the system has rebooted, follow instruction on the screen.
  8. Enter the Time and date: Day-month-year, and press Enter.
  9. Then test the hard disk (Press Enter). It may take up to 20 minutes. Finally, the Installation Menu will appear:
    CS 1000 Signaling Server Software Install Tool (sse-4.50.25)
                           M A I N    M E N U
    The Install Tool will install Signaling Server software and related
    files. You will be prompted throughout the installation.
            Please enter:
    <CR> -> <a> - To perform a complete installation/upgrade (Signaling
                  Server s/w, Internet Telephone f/w, Voice Gateway Media
                  Card l/w, basic Signaling Server configuration).
            <b> - To install/upgrade Signaling Server software only.
            <c> - To copy Internet Telephone firmware only.
            <d> - To copy Voice Gateway Media Card loadware only.
            <e> - To perform basic Signaling Server configuration only.
            <t> - To go to the Tools Menu.
            <q> - Quit.
            Enter Choice> a
  10. Press A or enter to perform a complete software installation.
  11. Then type yes. Installation may take up to 20 minutes, during which files are copied to the server.
  12. Press A to set the first Signal Server as Leader.
  13. Press A to set it as a CO-resident
  14. Press B (H.323 Gatekeeper only)
  15. Press A for Primary.
  16. Enter the Node ID
  17. Enter a host Name.
  18. Enter the ELAN IP, subnet mask, and Gateway IP addresses
  19. Enter the TLAN IP, subnet mask, and Gateway IP addresses
  20. Enter the Node IP address.
  21. Then the enter Call Server IP (Switch IP)
  22. Then press enter at NRS

    A summary is displayed:

    CS 1000 Signaling Server Software Install Tool (sse-4.50.25)
    You have entered the following parameters for this Leader SS :
    Node ID                 : 2870
    Hostname                : PBXBOOK_LDR
    ELAN IP                 :                    ELAN address
    ELAN subnet mask        :
    ELAN gateway IP         :
    TLAN IP                 :                    TLAN address
    TLAN subnet mask        :
    TLAN gateway IP         : 
    Node IP                 :                    NODE is always TLAN
    Call Server IP          :                     CS is always ELAN
    NRS configuration       : Primary GK + SIP
    Primary NRS IP          :                    TLAN address
    Alternate NRS IP        :                    TLAN address
            Please enter:
    <CR> -> <y> - Yes, these parameters are correct.
            <n> - No, these parameters are not correct.
            Enter Choice> 
  23. Verify information entered, then type yes (or press enter).
  24. Verify the Signal Server is set as leader and press enter.
  25. Then press Q.
  26. Then choose quit and reboot. IMPORTANT! you must cleanly quit the installer program.
  27. Open Internet explorer, and enter the TLAN IP address. Element Manager should display.

Load 'Follower' Sig-Server

  1. As above, boot the signalling server from the software installation CD.
  2. Press enter to partition the hard drive. You must do this. System will reboot.
  3. After the system has rebooted follow the installation instructions on the screen.
  4. Then enter in Time and date. Day-month-year Press enter.
  5. Then test the hard disk (Press Enter). It may take up to 20 minutes.
  6. Press A or enter to perform a complete installation and upgrade.
  7. Then type y or enter. This may take up to 20 minutes, during which files are copied to the server.
            Please enter:
    <CR> -> <a> - Set this Signaling Server as a Leader.
            <b> - Set this Signaling Server as a Follower.
            <q> - Quit.
            Enter Choice> b
  8. Press B to set the second Signal Server as the follower.
  9. Type host name, example PBXBOOK_FLWR.
  10. Press enter again
  11. Then press Q. Element Manager Logon
  12. Then choose Quit and reboot (important).

Introduce the Follower to the Leader

Open Internet Explorer and bookmark Element Manager. Then login...

  1. Click on IP Telephony ► Configuration
  2. Click on node summary
  3. Click on the import node files
  4. Enter the leader signaling server's IP address
  5. Click on Import, then click Edit
  6. Go to the Signal Server Properties
  7. Enter the Management LAN (ELAN) IP address Transfer OK
  8. Enter the Management LAN (ELAN) MAC address
    (label lower right hand corner behind the front cover)
  9. Enter the Voice LAN (TLAN) IP and Gateway IP address.
  10. Host name example; PBXBOOK_FLWR
  11. Click Save and Transfer
  12. Click OK. The transfer process begins. It will fail - but don't worry!
  13. Press the Reset button to reboot the Media Gateway.
  14. Then click Save and Transfer again.