Mike's PBX Cookbook

Linux Base CLI commands

The Avaya CS 1000 Linux Base system provides a platform for the various server applications, such as:

Command Groups:

Avaya CS 1000 Linux Base (Rel. 6 - 7.6) uses common CLI commands, plus the following command categories:

* dbadmin and logadmin are not covered.

Getting help:

There are two ways to get help with commands:

1 Type (command) -h | --help | help to display a brief summary of the CLI command:

$ poos --help
    poos <patch_id>|--all|--help,-h

        Deactivate patch with <patch_id> handle.

        Deactivate all patches.

        Print this help message and exit.

2 Type man (command) to display a detailed description of the CLI command:

$ man poos
POOS(1)                 Avaya Contributed Documentation                POOS(1)

       poos - Put a patch out of service.

       poos <patch_id> --all --help,-h

       Remove a patch from service.  The patch is removed from service from
       all processes in which it was in service.

           Deactivate patch with <patch_id> handle.

           Deactivate all patches.

           Print this help message and exit.


Press <RETURN> to advance by line, <SPACE> to advance by page, and/or 'q' to exit when done.
The extensive 'man' (manual) page navigation options can be displayed with man -h | --help.

Common CLIDescription
appVersionShowPrint the application software version for the server.
baseVersionShowPrint the Base software version for the server.
echowrite arguments to the standard output
findwalk a file hierarchy
ftpftp client program
ifconfigconfigure network interface parameters
ls - lllist directory contents, in 'long' format
manformat and display the on-line manual pages
printenvprint out the linux shell 'environment variables'
scpsecure copy (remote file copy program)
sftpsecure file transfer program
sshOpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
susubstitute user identity
swVersionShowPrint the server's software version.
telnettelnet client program
whoamidisplay effective user id

Not covered.

sysbackupPerform a system backup (both base and applications).
gryphonControl script for Apparent Network AppCritical OEM.
netstatPrint network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
pcapConfigConfigure PCAP for Linux.
pcapCtrlRemoveStops the PCAP for Linux listener interface.
pcapCtrlStartStart the PCAP for Linux listener interface.
pcapRestartRestart PCAP for Linux.
pcapStatusDisplays the current status of PCAP for Linux.
pcapStopStop PCAP for Linux.
wiresharkInteractively dump and analyze network traffic
pcapPacket Capture library
pppInitiate a PPP connection.
tcpdumpDump traffic on a network
isspGenerates a list of installed RPMs, SUs and patches.
pinsPut the patch in service.
plisShow detailed information about the patch.
ploadLoad the patch into the system database.
poosPut the patch out of service.
poutUnload the patch from the system database.
pstatShow a list of installed patches.
spinsPut a Service Pack into service.
sploadLoad a Service Pack (bundle of patches and SUs) into the system database.
spoutUnload a Service Pack (bundle of patches and SUs) from the system database.
spstatShow the installed and in service SPs.
basefirewallconfigConfigure firewall settings.
hardenCommand to manage Avaya Communication Server 1000 hardening items.
harden audit statusDisplays the status of the Linux Audit Daemon.
harden banners set/fileModify the banner text. The banner text will be replaced by the content from the file.
harden banners statusEnables or disables the pre-login banners.
harden coredumps statusEnables or disables the coredump service.
harden ftp statusShows that FTP service is turned on or off.
harden helpDisplays help information for using the command.
harden nettools statusEnables or /disables the nettools service.
harden nfs helpDisplays help information for using the command.
harden nfs onEnables Network File System (NFS) when deploying the primary security server.
harden nfs offDisables NFS after deployment is complete.
harden nfs statusShows that NFS is turned on or off.
harden passwd_days offDisable previously configured parameters.
harden passwd_days onEnables previously configured parameters.
harden passwd_days set -maxConfigure the value of the PASS_MAX_DAYS parameter. The default value is 90.
harden passwd_days set -minConfigure the value of the PASS_MIN_DAYS parameter. Note: This parameter must be set to a value >or = 1. The default value is 1.
harden passwd_days statusProvides the current value of the parameters from hardening storage.
harden rloginApply hardening to remote logons. Note: rlogin is only available in Co-res Avaya CS and SS configurations.
harden ssh_filter statusShows the list of the names of the hosts which are allowed to connect to Linux Base by SSH.
harden statusRetrieve the status of Linux Base Enhanced Hardening options.
harden telnet statusShows that telnet service is turned on or off.
harden tftp statusShows that TFTP service is turned on or off.
masterfirewallconfigMaster firewall configuration.
appinstallInstall Avaya applications. Note: Do not use the appinstall command unless you are directed to use it by Avaya support.
appstartStop, start, or restart Avaya applications.
arpManipulate the system ARP cache.
baseparamsconfigConfigure base parameters. Warning: Do not change the FQDN of the primary or backup security server when you use the baseparamsconfig command.
datetimeconfigConfigure the date and time.
dnsconfigConfigure DNS values.
ecnconfigConfigure Explicit Congestion Notification settings.
hdStatDisplays the size of the hard disk.
hostconfigConfigure the static lookup table for host names.
memShowDisplays available, free, and used server memory.
memSizeShowDisplays the total server memory.
networkconfigConfigure network settings. Warning: Do not change the FQDN of the primary or backup security server when you use the networkconfig command.
ntpconfigConfigure Network Time Protocol settings.
rebootRestart the entire system.
routeconfigConfigure routing entries. Note: When you use routeconfig to add a host route you do not need to provide a netmask. If you do provide a netmask, the format must be
sttyChange and print terminal line settings.
sysbackupConfigure system backup.
syslogFacilitySetSet the facility value.
syslogLevelSetSet a value for level.
syslogShowDisplay syslog processes. Note: The help key is not valid for syslogShow. If you want to retrieve help information, you must use the format syslogShow -h or syslogShow -help
sysrestorePerform a restore of the application data (backed up by sysbackup).
timeadjSpecify system clock parameters.
upgradeSelect the backup data source and reinstall Linux Base.

Note: You might need to add the primary host entry in backup and member servers before you can access them using the hostconfig command. The command syntax is:

admin2 user ---> hostconfig add -ip <PRIMARY SERVER IP> - host <PRIMARY SERVER HOST NAME> -domain <PRIMARY SERVER DOMAIN NAME>
datetimeconfigConfigure the date and time.
ntpconfigConfigure Network Time Protocol settings.