Load CPDC Checklist (7.5)
Use the following check list when re/installing CPDC signalling server cards.
Make sure you have software, patches, an NRS backup, IP assignments, and passwords before starting.
Note: After every reboot, wait for the UCM Ready message before continuing.
Upload patches to: /var/opt/nortel/patch
, service-pack to: /var/opt/nortel/patch/sp
- pload <patchname>
and pins <handlenumber>
each patch, in the correct order:
# | Release 7.5 | Release 7.6 |
1 | linuxBase... | linuxBase... |
2 | baseWeb... | Jboss-Quantum... |
3 | patchWeb... | patchWeb... |
4 | dmWeb... |
The Service pack should be applied AFTER deployment.
- spload <filename.zip>
, followed by spins