Mike's PBX Cookbook

4500 Series Backup/Restore

Avaya 4550Ts

It's a good idea to keep backups of each ERS switch in case you need to replace one! The configuration can be copied to/from a USB device connected to the front panel USB port, or a TFTP server running on the same network. The backup/restore commands are:

USB device: Backup:copy running-config usb filename ers.cfg
Restore:copy config usb filename ers.cfg
TFTP server: Backup:copy running-config address x.x.x.x filename ers.cfg
Restore:copy tftp config address x.x.x.x filename ers.cfg

Use sh run to display/check the running (active) configuration. Occasionally the stack information doesn't get saved at times (stack and unit IP address). If so, manually enter it back in, and save config after that. Keep basic IP address records for all switches!


Use a serial console cable (9600, 8N1), or SSH/TELNET session:

4548GT#save config
4548GT#copy running tftp address filename ers1.cfg
% Generating ASCII Configuration
% Contacting TFTP host:
% Writing ASCII configuration file:  ers1.cfg
% ACG configuration generation completed

TFTP server:

Set the following PumpKIN options:

Pumpkin: apupkin1.png

Options: apupkin2.png

4500bup1.png 4500bup1.png