Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH6300 - 6399

SCH6303 Password must be entered, cr is not a valid input.
SCH6304 Password entered is too long. Maximum length is 8 digits.
SCH6305 Attendant RCFW password can only consist of digits between 0 and 9.
SCH6307 The Voice Mailbox Administration application block does not exist.
SCH6308 The Voice Mailbox already exists.
SCH6309 The Voice Mailbox does not exist.
SCH6310 The Voice Mailbox Administration package is not equipped.
SCH6311 The VAS block cannot be removed because the application is configured.
SCH6312 Warning: Delete is full. Failed to send delete message to Meridian Mail or Voice Mailbox was not deleted on Meridian Mail.
SCH6313 Package is restricted.
SCH6314 Unexpected input type.
Action: Check input type for the prompt.
SCH6315 Inaccessible data for CFPD user.
Action: User is allowed to enter CFN or PWD as input for this TYPE prompt.
SCH6316 VMB is already configured on VAS VASID.
SCH6321 There are still Voice Mailboxes configured.
SCH6322 The Voice Mailbox Administration application is already configured.
SCH6323 The Voice Mailbox Administration application is not yet configured.
SCH6324 The Voice Mailbox Administration application must be disabled before it can be removed.
SCH6325 The Voice Mailbox Administration application has already been configured on another VAS link.
SCH6336 Out-of-Service unit only valid for NEW and OUT commands.
SCH6337 The specified card does not exist, so the unit cannot be marked Out-of-Service.
SCH6338 An attempt was made to provision an analog set in the same IPE slot as an existing ITG card.
Action: Re-enter TN within either an empty slot, or a slot with existing analog terminals.
SCH6339 ECHG of TIMP/BIMP only supported on XOPS card. In addition, TIMP/BIMP are not supported on the XOPS card when the CHINA package is equipped.
SCH6340 Invalid combination of TIMP/BIMP specified.
Supported combinations are:
600/600 (only when CLS = ONS)
SCH6341 You do not have access to Loss Planning data.
SCH6355 Loop cannot be added to the DCH because the maximum number of loops is already defined.
SCH6357 Interface change is not allowed for UIPE D-channels.
SCH6358 Interface change is not allowed for UIPE D-channels.
SCH6359 Backup DCH is not supported by the primary D-channel.
SCH6360 DCH move is not supported for UIPE D-channels.
SCH6372 MR value cannot be changed.
Action: Disable all trunks of the route first.
SCH6374 This response is only allowed when CDRX = NO in LD 16.
SCH6375 This DN is an OHOL DN. Only one 2/500 set can exist, and all other members must be M2616 sets and have CLS DELA.
SCH6376 Set must be M2616 with CLS DELA.
SCH6377 CLS DELD is invalid when set has LSPK key configured or a DN or HOT KEY configured with an OHOL DN (mixed appearance with 2/500 set with CLS SPKA).
SCH6378 Set with LSPK key or OHOL DN configured must have CLS DELA.
SCH6379 Attempt to configure a non conference or non XCT loop as a dealer or spare dealer loop.
SCH6380 Spare dealer conference loop already configured in the system. Only one spare dealer loop can exist per system.
SCH6381 The EUROISDN (EURO) package is not equipped.
Action: Equip package 261 and re-load if EURO ISDN is required.
SCH6382 SLPD or DLS tables have to removed before setting NATP prompt to YES.
SCH6383 NATP is disable and another pad functionality (static pad downloading, DLS or SLPD) has to be enable for XFEM, XFCOT or XDID cards on the system.
SCH6386 Input TN cannot mix route type with TCNZ interface.
SCH6387 Cannot get enough protected memory to build Advice of Charge Start of Call (AOCS) structures. AOCS supplementary service may not work properly.
Action: A possible solution is to remove some metered trunks, or to switch to AOCD or, AOCE supplementary services. If the message is output in LD 16, the member number of the first trunk for which the problem occurred is printed out.
SCH6388 ALT language database could not be loaded during previous disk OS start-up. Only help messages will be displayed in the alternate language (Option 81 only).
Action: Refer to messages issued during the previous restart for the reason why the alternate language database was not loaded. Correct the errors and do a warm start.
SCH6389 Cannot get enough protected memory to build Advice of Charge During the Call (AOCD) structures. AOCD supplementary service may not work properly.
Action: A possible solution is to remove some metered trunks, or to switch to AOCE supplementary services. If the message is output in LD 16, the member number of the first trunk for which the problem occurred is printed out.
SCH6390 Cannot get enough protected memory to build Advice of Charge End of Call (AOCE) structures. AOCE supplementary service may not work properly.
Action: A possible solution is to remove some metered trunks. If the message is output in LD 16, the member number of the first trunk for which the problem occurred is printed out.
SCH6391 lll Only PBX TNs can be configured on a phantom loop using Overlay 10.
SCH6392 lll mmm Do not copy, move, or swap between phantom and non-phantom loops.
SCH6393 Phantom DNs must be defined and unique.
SCH6394 This prompt, Class of Service, or feature cannot be configured on a phantom TN.
SCH6395 This prompt, Class of Service, or feature cannot be configured on a non-phantom TN.
SCH6396 Warning: A Phantom TN has been configured without a CFW or DCFW DN.
SCH6397 Invalid DCFW DN.
SCH6398 There are PVCs configured associated with the BRI line cards. The PVCs have to be removed in order to change the line cards, BRSC or MPH data.
SCH6399 MTRO Keyword table is corrupted.