Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH5600 - 5699

SCH5600 Invalid input for DTAO. Enter MPDA or MCA. 
SCH5601 Invalid input for PSEL. Enter DMDM or TLNK 
SCH5602 Invalid input for PSDS. Enter YES or NO. 
SCH5603 Invalid input for V25. Enter YES or NO. 
SCH5605 Invalid input for HDLC. Enter YES or NO. 
SCH5606 MBGS number already assigned to another tenant.
Action: If necessary, use temporary value "MBGS 0" to switch the MBGS. 
SCH5607 The route entered is not yet configured; cannot add to a customized CPG. Defaulted to CPG 0.
Action: Configure the route and re-enter. 
SCH5608 Input number might be lost due to busy system Input/Output. 
SCH5609 (For System Option 11 only) Clock controller must be disabled first. 
SCH5610 (For System Option 11 only) The slot number is not a valid DTI/PRI slot. It must be defined in Overlay 17 first. 
SCH5611 (For System Option 11 only) Input is conflict with the existing slot defined for secondary clock reference. 
SCH5612 (For System Option 11 only) Wrong input field for AUXR prompt. It must be YES/NO or {CR}. 
SCH5613 (For System Option 11 only) Invalid input for AUXR prompt. 
SCH5614 (For System Option 11 only) The slot number is not a valid DTI2/PRI2 slot. It must first be defined in Overlay 17 under the DTI2/PRI2 prompt. 
SCH5615 (For System Option 11 only) Existing clock controller must be disabled first. Primary/secondary reference must be set to freerun. 
SCH5616 Primary/secondary clock reference loop must set equal to freerun before changes AUXR prompt to YES. (For System Option 11 only) 
SCH5617 Clock slot number out-of-range. (For System Option 11 only) 
SCH5618 Must disable the existing clock controller and remove the clock data before doing any clock controller changes. (For System Option 11 only) 
SCH5619 Must remove the clock controller data first before delete the digital loop. (For System Option 11 only) 
SCH5625 Multiple Appearance data DN is not allowed. 
SCH5628 Attendant Forward No Answer (AFNA) package 134 is not equipped. 
SCH5629 {CR} not allowed for the prompt NFNA when OPT is changed from DNCA to DNCS, or from DNCS to DNCA. 
SCH5630 Must be a DID/TIE DTI trunk. 
SCH5631 RVQ feature only applies to SL-1 interface (Release 18 and later). 
SCH5633 Input out-of-range: 2-(10)-30 seconds. 
SCH5634 Input out-of-range: 4-(5)-10 retries. 
SCH5635 DTAD data does not exist. 
SCH5636 DTAD data already exists. 
SCH5637 Maximum number of digits reached, max is 5. 
SCH5638 Maximum number of sequences reached, max is 20. 
SCH5639 DTAD sequence does not exist. Cannot remove. 
SCH5640 Multi-purposeSerial Data Link (MSDL) package 222 is restricted. 
SCH5641 HDTI trunk must have DTN CLS. 
SCH5642 There are no FGD blocks configured (for command PRT). 
SCH5643 Only one memory card allowed. 
SCH5644 768K memory card not allowed. Enter 2M (2 Megabyte). 
SCH5645 Memory cannot exceed 4 Megabytes. 
SCH5646 Cannot change memory card types from 768K to 2M, or vice versa without a sysload.
Action: Install new memory cards, then do a sysload to auto-configure memory. 
SCH5647 MSDL RCAP capability only applies to SL-1 interface and on Release 18 and later. 
SCH5648 History file is already configured. 
SCH5649 Must enter user type if new D-channel. 
SCH5650 Invalid primary D-channel number. 
SCH5651 Invalid response for RTS. Enter ON or OFF. 
SCH5652 Cannot OUT or CHG that TN. Only entries which resulted from a Modular telephone relocation are eligible for manipulation in LD 50 TYPE = MTRT. 
SCH5653 Overlay 45 is not supported for Option 11. 
SCH5654 Before setting the SIAA option, you must define the intrusion tone in LD 56. 
SCH5655 A value greater than 25 has been entered for the TNDM prompt when the DPNSS package is equipped. The value 25 is used for DPNSS calls. 
SCH5656 Invalid user types for this device. 
SCH5657 Missing software for DSDL/MSIP or application running on it. Could be MISP, MSDL, BRI, SDI, DCH, or AML. 
SCH5658 The card type entered is not valid for MSDL/MISP or application running on it. Valid types are MISP, MSDL, BRIl, SDI, DCH, or AML. 
SCH5659 Cannot add D-channel packet data option because DSL 7 of the last card associated with the MISP is configured. 
SCH5660 Cannot remove B-channel packet data option because at least one associated DSL has a B-channel with PMD call type. 
SCH5661 Cannot remove D-channel packet data option because at least one associated DSL has a LTEI pair defined. 
SCH5662 For the Meridian 911 package, the TN for the CWNT must be a 500/2500 telephone. 
SCH5663 Entered DN does not exist. 
SCH5664 Invalid DN type for Nite LDN. 
SCH5665 This Nite LDN is not defined. 
SCH5666 No is only allowed when all Nite DN’s are cleared. 
SCH5667 When configuring an MCU trunk, a corresponding voice TN must be configured.
Action: Either "out" the unit in the voice TN or put the MCU trunk on a TN where the corresponding voice TN is empty. 
SCH5668 A route used for the BRI packed handler (BRIP = YES) must be a PRI or PRI2 route. 
SCH5670 For Primary loop, the slot must be set equal to the clock controller slot number. For secondary loop, the slot must not set equal to the clock controller slot number. 
SCH5671 The loop must be set to free run mode or switch the tracking to another reference before entering the changes. 
SCH5672 Start arrangement for M911 trunk must be WNK. 
SCH5673 For M911 trunks, signaling must be EAM, EM4 or LDR. 
SCH5674 For M911 trunks, AUTO DN must be a CDN. 
SCH5675 Cannot change a non-Meridian 911 route to a Meridian 911 route. 
SCH5676 ACD listptr is nil. 
SCH5677 The primary D-channel cannot be removed, unless the backup D-channel is removed first. 
SCH5679 Not allowed to change the user from ISLD to PRA or SHA if the D-channel is equipped with backup D-channel.
Action: First remove the backup D-channel. Then change the user from ISLD to PRA or SHA and add the backup D-channel again. 
SCH5680 The NEW MISP’s application must be disabled for the change request. 
SCH5681 Send line card status to MISP failed. 
SCH5682 tn l s c u Cannot update MARP TN designation: TN l s c u failed TNTRANS.
Action: Check the status of the TN. MARP TN assignment in the database needs correction later. 
SCH5683 MOV or OUT not allowed on a telephone being used as a CWNT of an ACD 
SCH5684 Cannot remove a CDN if it is being used as an Auto-terminate DN (LD 23). 
SCH5685 The device must be disabled to change a group number. 
SCH5686 Cannot remove a CDN if it is being used as an CWNT. Counter should never be negative. Design error has occurred 
SCH5687 Wrong extender. Enter 3PE. 
SCH5688 Card slot out-of-range (1-13). 
SCH5689 CNI port number out-of-range (0-1). 
SCH5690 Network group out-of-range (0-4). 
SCH5691 SIMM size out-of-range (1, 4, 8, 16). 
SCH5692 SIMMs must be entered in order of descending size. 
SCH5693 HDK/FDK device types to the ADAN are not permitted on this system type. 
SCH5694 Service change is not allowed on this TN since it is currently active on an M911 
SCH5695 The flow control option is not available for this user type. 
SCH5696 Invalid input entered for this prompt(ALOW/DENY expected). 
SCH5697 General Carrier Restriction (GCR Yes) was specified for this route, but no Equal Access toll calls were restricted (both NTOL an d ITOL are set to Allow). Either set GRC to NO or set one, or both of the Equal Access toll call sequences (NTOL an d ITOL) to Deny. 
SCH5698 Equal Access call restriction was specified for this route (EQAR Yes), but a restriction type was not selected (GCR and SCR are both No).
Action: Either set EQAR to No, or set one, or both of the restriction types (GCR and SCR) to Yes. 
SCH5699 Equal Access call restriction was specified for this route (EQAR Yes), but a restriction type was not selected. (General Carrier Restriction was not activated (GCR No) and Selective Carrier Restriction (SCR) is not available because the NFCR package is not enabled).
Action: Either set EQAR to No, or set GCR to Yes.