Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH4700 - 4799

SCH4700 FTC package is not equipped. SRC1-SRC8 not allowed. 
SCH4701 {CR} only allowed for print. 
SCH4702 Table 0 cannot be removed.
SCH4703 Input must be between 256 and 1024. 
SCH4704 Mixture of zero and non-zero values not allowed. 
SCH4705 No tone tables found. 
SCH4706 Input must be 4 or 8. 
SCH4707 96 or 128 must be input. 
SCH4708 Input must be 50, 60, 70, or 100. 
SCH4709 Input out-of-range (0-1). 
SCH4710 Duplicate key assigned to attendant console. 
SCH4711 Parameter out-of-range (0-9). 
SCH4712 Warning: MFC outgoing table will be cleared. Route members should not have MFC Class of Service if there is no incoming MFC table. 
SCH4713 Warning: MFC incoming table will be cleared. Route members should not have MFC Class of Service if there is no outgoing MFC table. 
SCH4725 LMM response forced for STAR if DN exist for ATDN or MNDN. 
SCH4726 If AUTO is set and TKTP is TIE, SIG cannot be ESN3. 
SCH4727 Pointer for shown PRI loop is NIL. 
SCH4728 Minimum value must be specified when the NSF or IFC of the ISA is changed. 
SCH4729 Input must be provided for DCH DTE or DCE. 
SCH4730 Unable to allocate memory for new DCH. 
SCH4731 Device configured as a DCHI or BCHI. 
SCH4732 Cannot remove the D-channel when B-channel is still defined for loops associated with this D-channel. 
SCH4733 Unable to allocate memory for new backup DCH. 
SCH4734 Cannot out backup DCH while the backup D-channel loop (BCHL) still has B channels configured. 
SCH4735 Cannot out backup DCH. There was a problem with memory allocation. 
SCH4736 ISL trunks still exist. Cannot out DCH. 
SCH4737 A D-channel which has a backup DCH configured is not allowed to execute the move command.
Action: Start over to remove DCHI by entering X at DCHI and X at BCHI, then enter X at DCHL and X at BCHL, all on the same pass. Alternatively BCHI and BCHL may be removed on a preceding pass, then DCHI and DCHL may be removed subsequently. 
SCH4738 Only DCH in PRA mode are allowed to be moved.
Action: Start over to remove DCHI by entering X at DCHI, then enter X at PRI for each PRI loop that is associated with the DCHI, all on the same pass. Alternatively the associated PRI loops may be removed on a preceding pass, then DCHI and DCHL may be removed subsequently. 
SCH4739 Customer need to be equipped with PRA to configure LDN or PDN Class of Service for the set. 
SCH4740 All DCH and PRI loops must be disabled for the move. 
SCH4741 The IO card type is not allowed for the backup D-channel 
SCH4742 Loop cannot be deleted when configured with DCH. 
SCH4743 Warning: Frame format should not be changed when the loop is associated with a DCH link. 
SCH4744 Port is defined as BCHI. 
SCH4745 Warning: Parameter should not be changed when the loop is configured with a DCH. 
SCH4746 Cannot select the loop for DCHL or BCHL because the D-channel (24 for PRI, 31 for PRI2) is set as a B or A/B channel. 
SCH4747 BCHI is defined as DCHI. 
SCH4748 Cannot remove undefined DCH channel (DCHI or BCHI). 
SCH4749 Parameter can be changed only when the DCHI link is in reset status. 
SCH4750 64K clear can be selected only when LCMT is B8S. 
SCH4751 DCHL must be defined for DCHI when USR=PRA/SHA.
Action: Start over to define DCHI. DCHL must not be removed while corresponding DCHI exists; start over to remove DCHL by entering X at DCHI, then on the same pass enter X at DCHL. 
SCH4752 Warning: IFC should not be changed when any of the channels of the configured loops (DCHL, BCHL and/or PRIs) are configured. 
SCH4753 Loop configured as DCHL or BCHL. 
SCH4754 BCHI is not defined while BCHL is. 
SCH4755 BCHL must be defined for BCHI when USR=PRA/SHA.
Action: Start over to define BCHI. BCHL must not be removed while corresponding BCHI exists; start over to remove BCHL by entering X at BCHI, then on the same pass enter X at BCHL. 
SCH4756 Selected loop is not configured as a PRI or PRI2 loop. 
SCH4757 PRI sequence number is not available. 
SCH4758 Loop is already configured with a DCH link. 
SCH4759 DCHL must be defined for new link. 
SCH4760 DCHL, BCHL or PRI loop is not defined. 
SCH4761 Loop number not associated with DCHI number/BCHI number. 
SCH4762 Analog route cannot be PRA. 
SCH4763 Yellow alarm was changed to DG2 because the frame format was changed to other than ESF. 
SCH4764 Cannot configure DCH when the other port on the card is not configured as TTY 
SCH4765 Loop number must be given with the sequence number. 
SCH4766 Loop can be removed only when none of its channels are configured for Bchannel signaling.
SCH4767 The loop number has already been used by this DCH. 
SCH4768 BCHI must have different value from DCHI. 
SCH4769 There is at least one ISDN route. PRA = NO is not allowed. 
SCH4770 HNPA, HLOC and HNXX must be given for new customer. 
SCH4771 Code value out-of-range (100-999). 
SCH4772 Customer need to be equipped with PRA (LD 15) to configure ISDN route. 
SCH4773 Cannot set ISDN to NO while ISAR = YES or B-Channels are configured for the route.
SCH4774 STEP to ISA route is not allowed. 
SCH4775 Warning: IFC must be changed for service route in conjunction with ISA routes and IFC for the DCH link.
Action: IFC must be changed for the DCH first and then changed for the ISA routes which have channels from the PRI loops of the DCH. Finally, change the IFC for the service routes. 
SCH4776 ISA route is not defined. 
SCH4777 Route type is not ISA. 
SCH4778 ISA route must be defined first. 
SCH4779 Warning: Must define LDN0: required for ISDN PRI DID service The length of LDN0 determines the number of trailing digits translated as the dialed DN on PRI DID routes. 
SCH4780 To change NSF, all routes associated with the ISA route must be service changed to update the NSF parameters (i.e. MIN and MAX) associated with them.  
SCH4781 Minimum number of calls must be specified. 
SCH4782 Maximum number of calls must be specified. 
SCH4783 The minimum value is greater than the maximum value. 
SCH4784 Expecting 3 digits. 
SCH4785 ISA route has no trunks (channels). 
SCH4786 The sum of the MIN for all routes which access the ISA route exceed the number of configured trunks for the ISA route. If outing ISA trunks, the service route minimum/maximum values must be re-entered. 
SCH4787 DSI is not applicable for ISDN routes. 
SCH4788 PRI loop is not configured with D-channel (DCHI) to provide B-channels. 
SCH4789 ISA route may not be selected. 
SCH4790 DTI loop channels cannot be configured for ISA routes or digital ISDN routes with B-Channel signaling for the channels (trunks). 
SCH4791 D-CH master header part is NIL. 
SCH4792 IFC for DCH/PRA does not match IFC of the route. 
SCH4793 Selected Channel is configured for D-channel signaling. 
SCH4794 IFC for service route do not match IFC for ISA route. 
SCH4795 Trunk TYPE is not allowed with PRI loop. 
SCH4796 PRI loop can be moved to PRI loop only. 
SCH4797 TDET cannot be defined in a superloop. 
SCH4798 Card density (DENS) must be defined.
Action: Enter SDEN for single SDI ports (on CPU cards), DDEN for two port SDI cards (QPC139), QDEN for four port SDI card (QPC841/NT8D41). 
SCH4799 Cannot move or swap data from or to service card (Fiber Interface card) of the superloop. Input card number is service card number.