SCH3800 - 3899
SCH3800 | Level 4 can only be removed by removing level 3. |
SCH3801 | Level 2 cannot be removed for L1 labels. |
SCH3802 | MFC level 2 does not exist. |
SCH3803 | Incoming table still exists in an own_nic_blk. |
SCH3804 | Outgoing table still exists in an nic_blk. |
SCH3805 | Levels 3 and 4 must both be defined. |
SCH3806 | During call processing may cause problems. |
SCH3807 | Translation type not tab for customer. |
SCH3808 | No DN-PSA translation table. |
SCH3809 | Entries still in DN-PSA translation table. |
SCH3810 | DN already in table. |
SCH3811 | DN not in table. |
SCH3812 | More than one Radio Paging System exists. Table entries must be removed before resetting to single system. |
SCH3813 | EXOP not allowed without FFC package equipped. |
SCH3814 | Input for CDTO prompt is out-of-range (0-10). |
SCH3815 | No ASEQ currently defined. |
SCH3816 | ASEQ input is out-of-range (0-9). |
SCH3817 | FFC state is being set to zero due to conflict with the new ASEQ. |
SCH3818 | FFC conflicts with another FFCs numeric equivalent. |
SCH3819 | Numeric equivalent conflicts in the DN translator. |
SCH3820 | FFC and/or equivalent conflicts with an already existing DN. |
SCH3821 | The Scheduled Access Restriction package is not equipped. |
SCH3822 | Attempting to create a new Authcode when the number of digits for the Authcode ALEN, is zero. |
SCH3823 | Maximum Scheduled Access Restriction Group is out-of-range (0-127). |
SCH3824 | The number of digits of the Authorization code to be validated is outside of the range (0, ALEN), where ALEN is the number of digits in the Authorization code itself. |
SCH3825 | The response is other than YES or NO. |
SCH3826 | The CRCS value is outside of the range (0-7). |
SCH3827 | The TGAR value is outside of the range (0-15). |
SCH3828 | Unable to match the input with the Stored Service Mnemonics. |
SCH3829 | Cannot create aut block when ALEN = 0. |
SCH3830 | There is no room in the AUTH Pointer Table. |
SCH3831 | {CR} is not allowed when AUTH Block SARG number for GRP is expected. |
SCH3832 | The SARG number is outside of the range (1, SMAX) where SMAX is the maximum SARG number allowed. |
SCH3833 | The SAR Block does not yet exist for this customer. |
SCH3834 | No AUTH Blocks exist for this customer. |
SCH3835 | The hour and/or minute entered for the off-period Start/Stop times is out-of-range. Where: HH= Hour, MM= Minute, and HH is greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to 23; MM is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 59 |
SCH3836 | Higher SAR group number exists. |
SCH3837 | {CR} is not allowed for the lock request. |
SCH3838 | The lock number must be either 1 or 2, to correspond to one of the two offperiods. |
SCH3839 | Attempting to print a non-existing service code corresponding to the authorization code entered. |
SCH3840 | ATD is not allowed on input. Enter ATA or either CUS or GRP. For the latter two, ATD is implied. |
SCH3841 | Attempting to remove or change a non-existent SARG entry. |
SCH3842 | Attempting to create a new SARG entry corresponding to one which already exists. |
SCH3843 | {CR} is not allowed for SMAX prompt. |
SCH3844 | {CR} is not allowed for AVAL prompt. |
SCH3845 | Attempting to lock onto an unusual off-period time (both START and STOP times are zero). |
SCH3846 | The Authcode entry pointer does not point to the start of the storage corresponding to the Authcode entered (This should never occur). |
SCH3847 | Attempting to enter extra information on the same line as the service data which must appear by itself. |
SCH3848 | {CR} is not allowed for services which the command is not a change. |
SCH3849 | Requesting to print a single Authcode which does not exist. |
SCH3850 | Attempting to insert the Authcode data when its location is unknown. |
SCH3851 | SS table number is out-of-range. |
SCH3852 | SS head table does not exist. |
SCH3853 | Entry does not exist in table. |
SCH3854 | Receive section of table is full. |
SCH3855 | Input out-of-range (11-15). |
SCH3856 | Input out-of-range (1-15). |
SCH3857 | Invalid function for this table. |
SCH3858 | Network package denied. |
SCH3859 | Attempt to assign more than one CPR key on a SL-1 set. |
SCH3860 | Digit display is required for CPR feature. |
SCH3861 | More than 4 characters were entered. |
SCH3862 | ASCII count variable is less than zero. |
SCH3864 | Remove NWK ACOD when changing to 11. |
SCH3889 | Response to SUPN INC was RVBD. Action: Response to SUPN OUT must be RVBD. |
SCH3890 | DN length conflicts with DNs already existing in DN-PSA translation table. |
SCH3891 | Protected block length for station input not accepted. |