Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH1500 - 1599

SCH1500 DN is used elsewhere and cannot be used as an attendant access code.
SCH1501 Invalid DN.
SCH1502 No value is assigned to attendant value code.
SCH1503 Conflict between special function prefix and night number.
SCH1504 Package not equipped.
SCH1505 Customer data block may be removed: attached data = route, flexible tones and ringing data, Flexible Feature Code, attendant DN and/or NFCR data.
SCH1530 FTC block already exists.
SCH1531 FTC block does not exist.
SCH1532 Cannot have code restriction data on TIE trunks.
SCH1539 Input is invalid for this prompt.
SCH1540 FTC class one data already exists.
SCH1541 FTC class two data already exists.
SCH1542 FTC class three data already exists.
SCH1543 FTC class one data does not exist.
SCH1544 FTC class two data does not exist.
SCH1545 FTC class three data does not exist.
SCH1546 Response to prompt MTHD must CNT or ANL.
SCH1547 A valid method must be entered.
SCH1548 A maximum must be entered.
SCH1549 Response to prompt REQ must be NEW, OUT, CHG, REM or END.
SCH1551 Response to REQ was NEW. Response to FTC REQ must be NEW
SCH1552 Response to prompt REQ must be NEW, OUT, CHG, REM or END.
SCH1555 Response to CLS TYPE must be one of ONE, TWO, or THREE.
SCH1556 Invalid access code (4 digits maximum).
SCH1557 Too many access codes (maximum 15).
SCH1558 Response to BYPS must be YES or NO.
SCH1559 Response to CLR must be ALOW or DENY.
SCH1560 Code length out-of-range (must be 3 digits).
SCH1561 Code cannot be restricted. Does not match a previously entered access code.  
SCH1562 Code cannot be removed. Does not exist in data.
SCH1564 Invalid response to CONG. Must be one of BUSY, OVFL, or {CR}.
SCH1571 Software error.
Action: Contact your technical support group.
SCH1572 Invalid repeat Counter for this type of trunk, MAX is 255.
SCH1573 Member number increment out-of-range (0-511).
SCH1574 Member number out-of-range (1-510).