Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH1200 - 1299

SCH1200 The holiday entered should exist when trying to change or delete a holiday. When adding a new holiday, it should be already present in the list.
Action: For an existing holiday, CRHOL=CHG/OUT. For a new holiday CRHOL=NEW.
SCH1205 XMWK key cannot be associated with PDNs.
Action: Configure XMWK key for a non-PDN.
SCH1206 DN to be associated with XMWK is not configured on this set.
Action: Configure the DN as a non-PDN.
SCH1207 XMWK key is already configured for this DN.
Action: Do not try to configure more than one XMWK key for the same DN on a set.
SCH1208 XMWK key cannot be on key 0.
Action: Configure the XMWK key on a non-zero key.
SCH1209 RMWK key cannot be on key 0.
Action: Configure the RMWK key on a non-zero key.
SCH1210 Only 0, 1 and 2 are accepted as inputs for the M3900 KBA prompt.
SCH1211 Invalid DN type for Mailbox DN.
Action: Configure a valid DN.
SCH1212 On the M3901 and M3902, if SCR, PVN PVR, MCN, or MCR is configured, it must be configured only on key 0. These mnemonics will be blocked from being assigned to keys 1 through 5.
SCH1213 DN cannot be deleted until the associated XMWK key is deleted.
Action: Delete the XMWK key first.
SCH1214 VMBA package #246 is not equipped.
Action: Enable the VMBA package.
SCH1215 GZPA Class of service needs to be defined before GPTA or GZBA is defined. This SCH is for Overlay 11.
SCH1216 ANI Entry is not defined in the ANI Block of the Customer Data Block. The ANI Entry is stored in the database.
Action: Define an ANI Entry in the Customer Data Block.
SCH1217 Cannot decrease ANI Table size. Entries to be removed are not empty.
Action: Remove the unneeded ANI entries first. Then decrease the ANI table entry size.
SCH1218 An ANI Entry or Entries are not deleted since the entry or entries are not configured.
SCH1219 Zone number has to be between 1 and 9. This SCH is for Overlay 18.
SCH1220 The ANI entry already exists.
Action: If the user does not want to modify an existing entry, enter {CR} for the next four subprompts.
SCH1221 This prefix table already exists.
Action: The number entered for the prefix table must be changed.
SCH1222 Cannot remove a non-existing table.
Action: The number entered for the prefix table must be changed.
SCH1223 Invalid entry for NPI.
Action: Give any one of the following valid NPI values, UNKN, E164, PRIV, TGELX, X121, NATL.
SCH1224 Invalid entry for TON.
Action: Give any one of the following TON values, UNKN, INTL, NATL, ESPN, LOCL, ELOC, ECDP.
SCH1225 Invalid entry for PREF.
Action: Maximum of four digit Access Prefix value can have allowed digit entry as either numerals 0-9 or character ’#’.
SCH1226 Table number specified is not configured or is out-of-range.
Action: Table number must be configured with a value range 0-16.
SCH1227 ISDN package is not equipped.
Action: Feature DAPC is part of the ISDN package #145.
SCH1228 Prefix table zero cannot be removed.
Action: Valid input value for prefix table removal is 1-15.
SCH1229 No reviving zone page allowed on a TN associated with this DN. The TN has to define as BCS or Analog set with speaker. This SCH is for Overlay 18.
SCH1230 Taiwan R1 trunk has to be incoming only, or outgoing only. Response IAO is not allowed for ICOG. Valid responses are ICT or OGT.
SCH1231 The zone page package is not equipped.
SCH1238 The class of service cannot be changed from BSFA to BSFD when an existing BFS key has the same TN configuration as the configuring set.
Action: Make the corresponding key null and then change the class of service.
SCH1239 The class of service is BSFD. The TN of the BFS key and the TN of the configuring set, must not be the same.
Action: Before you configure a BFS key against a TN that is the same as the configuring set, change the class of service to BSFA.
SCH1240 Invalid response to YES/NO question.
SCH1241 Invalid response to YES/NO question).
SCH1242 Invalid entry.Out-of-range (0-15).
SCH1243 Entry out-of-range (maximum 4 fields).
SCH1244 Entry out-of-range (minimum 4 fields).
SCH1245 Only one cadence.
SCH1246 Out-of-range (0-31).
SCH1247 Out-of-range (0-511).
SCH1248 Out-of-range (0-127).
SCH1249 Value equal 0.
SCH1250 Cadence value of 0 is invalid.
SCH1251 First Cadence Element Max Exceeded (31).
SCH1252 Second Cadence Element Max Exceeded (511).
SCH1253 Third Cadence Element Max Exceeded (127).
SCH1254 Fourth Cadence Element Max Exceeded (511).
SCH1255 2 or 4 Cadence Elements required.
SCH1256 Tones and Cadence already exist.
SCH1257 Tones and Cadences do not exist.
SCH1258 TRB password does not match CDB PSWD or LEVEL2 PSWD.
SCH1259 First digit must be 0, and second must be less than or equal to 3 for TDS card message compatibility.
SCH1260 Input is out-of-range (0-255).
SCH1261 The IFC type must be 7SGF when the USR is SS7.
SCH1262 For IFC type 7SGF, the USR must be set to SS7.
Action: Cancel this D-channel definition and re-enter the D-channel data with USR SS7.
SCH1263 The RATE must be defined as E1. T1 interfaces are not supported on MMCS Phase 6.
Action: Press the Enter key {CR} to accept the correct RATE option.
SCH1264 To add or remove loops from the D-channel list without disabling the D-channel, the IFC type must be 7SGF.
Action: The required configuration change is possible using overlay 17 with the D-channel disabled.
SCH1265 The loop can be removed only when none of its channels are configured for Bchannel signaling.
Action: User overlay 14 to remove the B-channels associated with this loop.
SCH1266 This loop number is not defined in the D-channel list. The request to remove the loop is ignored.
Action: Enter the correct loop number to be removed from the D-channel list.
SCH1267 This loop is already defined in the D-channel list. The request to add the loop is ignored.
Action: Enter the correct loop number to be added to the D-channel list.
SCH1268 The loop entered must be of type PRI2 for RATE E1.
Action: Re-check the loop definition in the common equipment section of the configuration record under PRI or PRI2.
SCH1269 The specified interface number is already used.
Action: Enter the correct interface number for this loop.
SCH1270 The loop type must be PRI or PRI2.
Action: Check the loop type by printing the common equipment configuration (CEQU) from overlay 22.
SCH1271 The specified loop is in the loop list for another D-channel.
Action: Check the other D-channels for this loop.
SCH1272 The specified loop is not configured.
Action: Configure the loop in the common equipment configuration using overlay 17.
SCH1273 The primary D-channel must be specified.
Action: Enter the primary D-channel number.
SCH1274 Only the commands: NEW, OUT, PRT, are accepted with TYPE SS7.
Action: Re-enter the command.
SCH1275 The interface ID for IFC type SL1 with PRI2 loops must be less than 12.
Action: Choose an interface ID in the range 0-11.
SCH1276 The D-channel used by this B-channel must be the same as other members of the route.
Action: Re-enter the command.
SCH1277 Another FDID IDC tree already exists for this customer. Only one FDID tree allowed per customer.
Action: Out this tree or configure new tree or modify existing FDID IDC tree.
SCH1278 Tree table 0 is not allowed for FDID IDC tree.
Action: Use a different number for FDID table.
SCH1279 All branches must be released prior to OUT A FDID IDC tree.
Action: Release the branches.
SCH1280 The loop requested to be removed from the D-channel list, is the primary or backup loop (interface 0 or 1). This is not permitted with D-channel user mode USR PRI.
Action: This operation can be completed using Overlay 17.
SCH1281 The loop requested to be added to the D-channel list is the primary or backup loop (interface 0 or 1). This is not permitted with D-channel user mode USR PRI.
Action: This operation can be completed using Overlay 17.
SCH1282 The DTD table number entered in response to the TABL prompt must be configured for continuity check tone detection.
Action: Use Overlay 97 to specify a new DTD table with DFQ 7.
SCH128 There are no XTD units on the system configured for continuity check tone detection.
Action: Load Overlay 13 and configure an unequipped card with XTD units for continuity check tone detection. The response to the XTDT prompt must be the table number configured for continuity check tone detection using Overlay 97.
SCH1284 SUPP package or ESA PAGE package is required for Special Service Lists.
Action: Equip at least one of the packages and try again.
SCH1285 Automatic Wake-Up Controller is only allowed on Option 11C Compact systems with the AWU package equipped.
Action: If the system is Compact, equip the AWU package.
SCH1286 Digit Display must be equipped for a set with AWCA.
Action: Configure the AWCA on a set with a digit display.
SCH1287 The number of portable TNs in the system exceeds the number of portable TNs defined in the tape directory.
SCH1288 The new MIN or ESN entered is a duplicate of the MIn or ESN configured for the specified TN.
Action: Enter a unique value.
SCH1289 Unable to match the input with the stored mnemonics. Valid responses for the PU TYP prompt are PRIV and IS41.
SCH1290 A maximum number of 15 digits is allowed for TRT_DN in LD 15.
SCH1291 The IDN option is not allowed for this prompt in LD 15.
SCH1292 The length parameter is out of range for LD 49 (0-15).
SCH1293 The Black CLIP list number is out of range for LD 49 (0-CLIP_MAX)
SCH1294 The CONT option is not allowed for list treatment.
SCH1295 An invalid treatment type for LD 49. The treatment must be ACCD CONT CTVN CTRC TRT1 TRT2 TRT3 or TRT4.
SCH1296 The unit number of the TN is out-of-range for MAXU value on this card.
SCH1297 Warning - ensure that ITD hardware supports more than 24 units.
SCH1298 The MAXU value cannot be decreased to a value below the highest unit number configured on the card.
SCH1299 No Virtual TNs available on phantom loops.