Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH0500 - 0599

SCH0501 Speed Call list number out-of-range (0-254).
SCH0502 Speed Call list already exists.
SCH0503 Wrong number of input fields for TOGR.
SCH0504 Group Call list number out-of-range.
SCH0505 This group may already be defined as a SL-1 GRC key.
Action: Check SL-1 sets for this customer.
SCH0506 Maximum of 24 characters allowed for the EBLN name.
SCH0507 Invalid character entered. Only ASCII characters with hexadecimal values between H.20 and H.7E (inclusive) are supported in the string input. (For example, alphanumeric or punctuation characters.)
SCH0508 Invalid character entered. Only ASCII characters with hexadecimal values between H.20 and H.7F (inclusive) or between H.A0 and H.FF (inclusive) are supported.
SCH0509 Input format is incorrect. Only ASCII characters with hexadecimal values between H.20 and H.7F (inclusive) or between H.A0 and H.FF (inclusive) are supported.
Action: Enter 1 character or its hexadecimal value.
SCH0510 Wrong number of input fields (Overlay 15).
SCH0511 Increment out-of-range.
Action: Up to Release 15, enter 0-15 or 0-7 for SST. For Release 16 and later, enter 0-31, or 0-7 for SST.
SCH0512 Decrement out-of-range.
Action: Up to Release 15, enter 0-15. For Release 16 and later, enter 0-31.
SCH0513 Minimum waiting time out-of-range (0-127).
SCH0514 The loop does not exist in LD 73.
SCH0515 Wrong number of parameters.
SCH0516 Wrong type of parameters.
SCH0517 Parameters out-of-range (1-15).
SCH0518 Not equipped for RAN.
SCH0519 Response for RTYP must be AUD.
SCH0521 Unable to match input field with stored mnemonics.
Action: The RCAP prompt in overlay 16 has been answered NDS when QSUr QSIG GF are not accessible or with an inappropriate interface configured (e.g. SL 1). Reconfigure accordingly.
SCH0522 Input for DNRO/DNRI out-of-range (0-4).
Action: Re-enter in the range (0-4).
SCH0523 Wrong number of input fields or digits for PWD number.
SCH0524 Warning: The active password will be changed.
SCH0525 Illegally entered password.
Action: Make sure you enter uppercase letters. When using lower case letters, use at least 4 numbers in the password.
SCH0526 Password does not match stored password.
SCH0527 Program number does not exist.
SCH0528 Attempt to remove an unlisted program or add a listed program.
SCH0529 Attempt to remove an unlisted customer or add a listed customer.
SCH0530 Password does not have access to this customer data.
SCH0531 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics.
Action: The RCAP prompt in overlay 16 has been answered NDS when QSUr QSIG GF are not accessible or with an inappropriate interface configured (e.g.SL1). Reconfigure accordingly.
SCH0535 Attempted to remove non-existing loop or add existing loop.
SCH0536 Loop must be disabled before removing, or assigning it as an Conference or DTI/PRI loop.
SCH0537 Memory modules 0 to 1 are required.
SCH0538 Illegal memory configuration due to split option.
SCH0539 Module number already defined as spare.
SCH0540 Spare already defined for this CPU.
SCH0541 Attempt to add memory already in system.
SCH0542 Attempt to remove memory not in system.
SCH0543 Illegal module number for spare.
SCH0544 Module does not exist on this CPU bus.
SCH0545 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics.
SCH0546 Improper response for prompt MTYP.
SCH0547 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics.
SCH0548 Messages already suppressed.
SCH0549 Messages already allowed.
SCH0550 Input out-of-range (50-100).
SCH0551 Program number out-of-range (30-45).
SCH0552 Attempt to remove multi-group extender.
SCH0553 System ID number 0-999 out-of-range.
SCH0555 Time and date package must be equipped.
SCH0556 MMCS and IVR packages must be equipped.
SCH0557 VPA class of service allowed on for 2616 set.
SCH0560 Wrong number of input fields.
SCH0561 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics.
SCH0562 Duplicate defined loop.
SCH0563 Loop must be disabled before removing.
SCH0564 Attempt to remove a loop with data still on it.
SCH0565 Group number is out-of-range: 0-4, 15.
SCH0566 Incorrect number of input fields.
SCH0567 Unable to match input to stored mnemonics.
SCH0568 Illegal extender arrangements.
SCH0569 Remove/addition of loop during same Overlay pass not allowed.
SCH0570 Incorrect number of input fields (3).
SCH0571 First field was not one of (NEW, OUT, CHG).
SCH0572 Second field was not one of (PRT, TTY, TAP) for machines other than SL-1 MS.
SCH0573 Device number out-of-range.
SCH0574 Device specified does not exist.
SCH0575 Device must be disabled before removing or changing. This is applicable on all phases.
SCH0576 Device already exists.
SCH0577 Device specified is not a printer.
SCH0578 Device does not exist.
SCH0579 Unable to match input with stored mnemonics. Mnemonic is invalid.
SCH0580 Mnemonic CDL is not acceptable if other users are specified.
SCH0581 Device must be enabled to permit CDL change.
SCH0582 Input out-of-range.
SCH0583 Cannot remove this ACD terminal. One of the following is true for this TTY: It has been defined as an ACD printer for ACD C reports for a customer, or it has been defined as an input/output device for ACD queue status displays. Changes are not allowed until a TTY is no longer defined as either of the above.
SCH0584 Mnemonic ACD is not acceptable if other users are specified.
SCH0585 Cannot assign own terminal to ACD.
SCH0586 Customer does not exist.
SCH0587 Input is not YES or NO for the CCB and CCBA prompt in the RDB.
SCH0588 ACD terminal cannot be both a senior supervisor and printer.
SCH0589 Customer has more than one senior supervisor/load manager.
SCH0590 Package not equipped.
SCH0591 Loop number increment out-of-range (0-159).
SCH0592 Directory number increment out-of-range (4 digits).
SCH0593 Member number increment out-of-range (0-126).
SCH0594 Unable to recover old TN block.
SCH0595 Unable to remove TN block.
SCH0596 PMS user type coexists with BGD only.
SCH0597 No new messages were added to history file since last printing.
SCH0598 History File is empty.
SCH0599 Invalid user. Cannot access History File.