Mike's PBX Cookbook

SCH0100 - 0199

SCH0100 Wrong number of input fields for prompt REQ.
SCH0101 Unable to match input fields with stored mnemonics.
SCH0102 Repeat count out-of-range (2-255).
SCH0103 ROA or MOA package not provided.
SCH0104 AWU package not provided.
SCH0105 Wrong number of parameters.
Action: Re-enter input.
SCH0106 Wrong parameter type.
SCH0107 There are no available busy lamp fields.
SCH0108 Lamp field array is not included in OPT.
SCH0109 TN is already assigned as an LFTN.
SCH0110 Wrong number of input fields.
Action: Prompt MTAR is reprompted. Either press carriage return for default entry of ’NO’, or enter one the of the responses ’YES’ or ’NO’.
SCH0111 Invalid input.
Action: Prompt MTAR is reprompted. Either press carriage return for default entry of ’NO’, or enter one of the responses ’YES’ or ’NO’.
SCH0112 Invalid customer number.
SCH0113 The CISMFS package is not equipped.
Action: Equip the CIS MFS package or choose another answer.
SCH0114 An attempt to define the CFMS class of service in LD 14 for a digital trunk on CDT/CSDT12 loop without CISFW=MFS. Define in LD 73.
SCH0115 An attempt to define the CMFS class of service in LD14 when MFS is not defined the Route Data Block.
SCH0116 An attempt was made to remove the CMFS or MFS definitions from the Route Data Block, when there are some trunks defined within the route.
SCH0117 Band value for banded OTWATS is out-of-range.
Action: Input Band value between 0-99.
SCH0118 Band value for banded OUTWATS is already defined.
Action: Check with the local CO for the correct Band value.
SCH011 NI-2 CBC package is not equipped.
Action: Install NI-2 CBC package.
SCH0120 Wrong number of input fields for prompt TN.
SCH0121 Loop not specified in configuration as terminal loop.
SCH0122 Loop out-of-range (0-159).
SCH0123 Shelf out-of-range (0-3 single density, 0-1 double density, 0 quadruple density).
SCH0124 Card out-of-range (1-10).
SCH0125 An attempt was made to provision a unit which is out of the valid range for the particular card.
Action: Re-enter TN within valid unit range for the card.
SCH0126 An attempt was made to provision a digital set in the same IPE slot as an existing ITG card.
Action: Re-enter TN within either an empty slot, or a slot with existing digital terminals.
SCH0127 Terminal already exists.
SCH0128 Terminal does not exist.
SCH0129 Trunk type given is not the same as that in the TN block.
SCH0130 Terminal has conflicting station type.
SCH0131 Terminal is not primary TN.
SCH0132 ADM must terminate on unit 1 or 3.
SCH0133 Too many digits entered for NFCR condition.
SCH0134 Value entered for CRCS is out-of-range.
SCH0135 System not equipped with NFCR.
SCH0136 More general condition exists for NFCR.
SCH0137 NFCR linkage not built for customer.
SCH0138 NFCR tree does not exist.
SCH0139 Cannot add ADM or MDM to existing card unless ADM or MDM already exists on the card.
SCH0140 Frequency between 350 and 665 Hz, in 5 Hz increments.
SCH0141 Station type conflicts with existing card.
SCH0142 Terminal already exists.
SCH0143 Terminal does not exist or has conflicting station type.
SCH0144 Disabling FNP functionality.
Action: FNP data setup must be removed.
SCH0145 Too many parameters for FRL prompts.
SCH0146 A larger MAXT value already exists. Once defined a lower value cannot be entered for MAXT.
SCH0147 MAXT value out-of-range (maximum 255).
SCH0148 A value for MAXT is expected.
SCH0149 NFCR blocks not cleared. Cannot out CDB.
SCH0150 Wrong number of input fields for prompt CUST.
SCH0151 Customer number out-of-range. In Release 15, the customer number is 0-99 for NT, RT, STE, XN and XT machines and system Options 21E, 51, 61, 71 and 81. It remains 0-31 for all other supported machines and system options.
SCH0152 Customer data block does not exist.
SCH0153 Customer data block already exists.
SCH0154 No group list exists for customer N.
SCH0155 Background terminal must be removed before removing customer.
SCH0156 An MWI NSI table already exists for this manufacturer.
Action: Do not use the command NEW for an MWI NSI table which already exists
SCH0157 Frequency delta between 10 and 315 Hz, in 5 Hz increments.
SCH0158 Frequency level maximum between 0 db and -15 db, in 5 db increments.
Action: Enter absolute value: 0, 5, 10 or 15.
SCH0159 Frequency level minimum between -20 db and -35 db, in 5 db increments.
Action: Enter absolute value: 20, 25, 30 or 35.
SCH0160 Wrong number of input fields for prompt ROUT.
SCH0161 Route number out-of-range (0-127).
SCH0162 Route data block already exists.
SCH0163 Route data block does not exist.
SCH0164 Cannot remove route data block while trunks still attached.
SCH0165 Code restriction block already exists.
SCH0166 Code restriction block does not exist.
SCH0167 Route type is not AIOD.
SCH0168 FNP data exists. FNP cannot be made NO.
Action: FNP data setup must be removed. Set VNR to NO in CDB, set all the FLEN to 0, clear FSNS data. MXRL and MXDM range is 1-256. AC1 and AC2 to be of 2 digit length. MXFS must be 0.
SCH0169 Illegal digit in DN.
SCH0170 Wrong number of input fields for prompt STEP.
SCH0171 Step route number out-of-range (0-31).
SCH0172 Invalid step route number/or route number not defined. For dataport can only step to similar data route.
SCH0173 IFC type has to be NI-2 in order to configure NI-2 CBC master route.
Action: Input NI-2.
SCH0174 NI-2 CBC Master Route is not defined.
Action: Configure a NI-2 CBC Master Route.
SCH0175 Route is not NI-2 CBC Master Route.
Action: Use NI-2 CBC Master Route number.
SCH0176 Need to specify NI-2 CBC Master Route number.
Action: Input NI-2 CBC Master Route number.
SCH0177 NI-2 CBC Master Route has no trunks (channels).
Action: Assign trunks (channels) to NI-2 CBC Master Route.
SCH0178 The MAX value exceeds the number of trunks configured for the NI-2 CBC Master Route.
Action: Check the maximum number of trunks (channels) configured on NI-2 CBC Master Route.
SCH0179 In the DGCR list ATDN must be an ACD-DN or a DISA-DN.
SCH0180 Wrong number of input fields for prompt EXTN.
.SCH0181 Directory number already exists.
SCH0182 Directory number conflicts with existing number.
SCH0183 Shorter directory number already exists.
SCH0184 Loop number conflicts with existing DN loop.
SCH0185 Longer directory number already exists.
SCH0186 Station type conflicts with existing DNTYPE.
SCH0187 DN call arrangement conflicts with existing call arrangement.
SCH0188 DNSZ and SSL are mutually exclusive for CIS MFS. (OVL 16)
SCH0189 Either DNSZ or SSL is needed for CIS MFS. (OVL 16)
SCH0190 Wrong number of input fields for prompt ACOD.
SCH0191 Directory number already exists.
SCH0192 Directory number conflicts with existing number.
SCH0193 Number of DNs defined exceeds MNAC.
SCH0194 Attempt to exceed MNAC.
SCH0195 DID routes not allowed for customer in SATT mode.
SCH0196 A key 0 DN key is required on a mobility set.
Action: Configure key 0 as a DN key.
SCH0197 Attendant’s primary and secondary TN must be on same card.
SCH0198 DNSZ and SSL are mutually exclusive for CIS MFS.
Action: Set DNSZ = 0 or remove the SSL Table.
SCH0199 Either DNSZ or SSL is needed for CIS MFS.
Action: Enable the CIST package and reload the system.