Mike's PBX Cookbook


ERR5511 BTD Table 0 is not defined.
Action: Use Overlay 97 to create Table 0.
ERR5512 n ERR020 messages for loop n has been automatically turned OFF. ERR020 will be automatically turned back ON in 20 seconds.
ERR5513 n ERR020 messages for loop n has been automatically turned ON.
ERR5514 Multiple appearances of a DN that is associated with a DTM key or with key 00 of a TN which has a DTM key is not permitted. Output data: TN location, DN for which an illegal multiple appearance has been found.
Action: Craftsperson must either delete the multiple appearance, use another DN, or delete the DTM key.
ERR5515 Applicable when MULT = YES Configuration error. Regarding the value of the multiplier received from the CO, the value of RURC is not correct. The RURC value should not be greater than the multiplier.
Action: Change RURC exponent value.
ERR5516 The IDs configured on the NAS routing table must lead to a full DPNSS route, or full MCDN routes to routes including a single MCDN to DPNSS1 gateway.
Action: Reconfigure the NAS routing table.
ERR5517 The IDs configured in the NAS routing tables must be UDP or CDP DNs.
Action: Reconfigure the NAS routing table.
ERR5521 x Where x= Speed Call List Number.Looping has been found between Speed Call lists. This could happen if a speed call list routes a call to itself (by having a member which is a PLDN which accesses its own list). Speed Call list number x was the last list call reached.
Action: Alter the configuration to avoid such looping.
ERR5522 A recall message sent by the Norstar is reported by the XFEM card for an AC15 tie trunk but it is ignored because the trunk is already in split outgoing mode. {TN} TN of the AC15 trunk.
ERR5523 Parsing of name informations received from QSIG failed.
Action: Inconsistent name information has been received. Report the problem.
ERR5524 A network call park operation is tried from one node to another for which the Call Park Networkwide feature is not defined.
Action: Contact your system administrator if the Call Park Networkwide operation is not defined.
ERR5526 Illegal multiple appearance of a DN assigned to a designated data mode key.
ERR5532 %DNIS has more than 30 digits which is not supported.
ERR5533 SETUP message has been received on an Australian UIPE interface with the request for a permanent connection to be established. The ISPC Reference Number included in the message do not allow the link to be established for the following reason: The format of the message is: ERR5533 -x -y where: y - Dchannel number x - Detail of the problem:
1 - Unknown ISPC Reference Number. There is no TN on any Phantom DTI2 loops configured with this ISPC Reference Number.
2 - The ISPC Call Reference number is not delimited by a star ’*’ character in Calling number field of the received SETUP message.
3 - The ISPC Call Reference number is empty.
4 - The ISPC Call Reference number is made of information other than the digits in the IA5 format.
5 - The ISPC Call Reference number is longer than 7 digits.
6 - The TN for which the ISPC Reference number is configured is on a Phantom DTI2 loop not on the same group as the PRI2 trunk on which the request was received.
Action: Check the system configuration. If the configuration is correct, contact the Administrative Entity of the Public Network.
ERR5534 The ISPC Call Reference number is empty in the Calling number field of the received SETUP message. This message is displayed when a SETUP message has been received on request for a permanent connection to be established.
Action: Contact the Administrative Entity of the Public Network.
ERR5535 TN {cause} An improper configuration has been detected when an ISPC link is used to convey D-channel signalling.
TN - ISPC D-channel slave trunk {cause}
n - represents the error cause:
0: SET_DTI22_PTRS failed with DTI2 phantom trunk.
2: The trunk must be a TIE trunk.
3: The trunk must be configured with the DTN class of service.
4: Data corruption with the route pointer.
5: The route is not an ISL trunk.
6: The trunk is not a DID trunk.
7: The route is not configured with DSEL = DTA
8: The route must not be an ISL route.
9: The route is not configured with DLTN = YES
10: The route is not configured as incoming.
11: The route is not configured with PRDL = BSY.
12: The route is not configured with DTD = YES.
13: The route is not configured as outgoing.
14: The route is not configured with NEDC = ETH.
15: The route is not configured with FEDC = ETH.
16: The route is not configured with CPDC = NO.
17: DDD_PACKAGE is restricted.
Action: Check the system configuration and use overlay 96 to restart the process if required.
ERR5536 The ISPC Call Reference number length is longer than 7 digits. This message is displayed when a SETUP message has been received on an Australian UIPE interface with the request for a permanent connection to be established. Contact the Administrative Entity of the Public Network.
ERR5537 TN DN The maximum number of calls to be performed on a data interface for Dchannel signalling to use an ISPD link has been reached. This manual process has been stopped. The format of the message is:
ERR5537 TN DN, where: TN - ISPC D-channel slave trunk DN - represents the digits received by the Meridian 1. If no digits have been received, nothing is printed. If some digits have been received but the DN is incomplete or invalid, the digits will be printed.
Action: Check system configuration, and use overlay 96 to restart the process if required. Also, check the system configuration of the farend Meridian 1.
ERR5538 A SETUP message has been received on an Australian UIPE interface with the request for a permanent connection to be established. As the ISPC package (no 313) is not enabled, the request has been rejected.
Action: Enable Package ISPD (no 313) and reload the PBX if an ISPC link is required.
ERR5539 {type of error} {event/state} {park1} {parm2}{parm3} Call Completion (CC) Supplementary Service. Protocol error detected by CC QSIG protocol handler.
ERR5549 x y tn rtclock Cannot send Mobility pad message to MXC card.
x y represent the reference number for the message.
tn = terminal number (tn is in all decimals (l s c u))
rtclock is an internal timestamp (.5 ms)
Possible output buffer overflow. Number of PBX output buffers may not be large enough.
Action: If the error messages are from the same tn check the card for problems
ERR5574 OLI received does not belong to any range defined for that route.