Mike's PBX Cookbook

ERR5400 - 5499

ERR5400 x y z The PNI in the Route Data Block (LD 16), as noted by the dialed digits, is the same PNI number as currently programmed in the CDB (LD 15), where:
x = customer number
y = customer PNI number
z = digits dialed (first 8 digits)
ERR5408 NACD logical call request received that contained more than the supported number of DNIS digits. The DNIS information has been truncated to the supported length.
ERR5409 tn The OHOL unit assigned to the conference loop is not valid. The spare dealer conference loop was used.
ERR5410 tn The OHOL unit assigned to the conference loop is not available. The spare dealer conference loop was either non existing or not available.
ERR5411 tn The M2616 telephone with CLS DELA, but is not an OHOL unit has initiated a conference.
ERR5412 Invalid Status Register state in Low Speed Link to Option 11 Mail.
ERR5413 tn No charging information available from CO for an outgoing call.
ERR5414 NIL AOC pointers found in protected trunk block. A possible solution is to switch prompt MR in LD 16 to NO and then to switch it back to current value. (TN of the trunk to follow).
ERR5415 For customer "c", either the Authcode-last Retry RAN is defined with an invalid RAN route, or the route has no trunk member.
Action: The system administrator should verify the data base configuration.
ERR5416 c dn For customer "c", DISA DN "dn", an incoming call has been waiting too long (greater than RTMR) for DISA RAN. As a result, the caller is removed from the RAN queue and the call proceeds to the next processing step.
Action: The system administrator should check on the RAN hardware to see if the RAN trunks are capable of handling the traffic. An alternative to decreasing the frequency of message appearance is increasing the time defined for the RAN timer.
ERR5417 Message received from analog line card contains invalid message type. The message is ignored. Format: ERR5417 tttt mmmm
tttt = the TN the message was sent to in internat format
mmmm = the message contents
ERR5418 Reverse Charging billing ID received in an AOC-D or AOC-E message from CO for an outgoing call. This charging information is not taken into account. (TN of the trunk to follow).
ERR5419 The currency information received from CO in AOC-D or AOC-E message overflows the storing area limit (4 294 967 295). This charging information will no be taken into account. (TN of the trunk to follow).
ERR5420 Overflow during computing of AOC information received from CO. This charging information is not to be taken into account. (TN of the trunk to follow).
ERR5421 Null time stamp found in AOC-S structure. Processing of the charging information not possible. (TN of the trunk to follow)
ERR5422 tn The AOC-D or AOC-E charging information received from CO is smaller than the previous one. This information is discarded. (TN of the trunk to follow).
ERR5423 No 500 set TN found to send Message Waiting Indication from. Define in Overlay 10 pseudo-TN block with SMSA Class of Service, where: y - customer number
ERR5424 Procedure DO_XALC_SETS/DO_ANALOG_SETS module LIN5Input received from Standalone Mail Message server. These sets should not exist outside of the configuration.
ERR5425 Buffer to the PRI (QPC720) hardware has overflowed.
ERR5426 Unexpected event for the VNS no bearer state handler {SOURCE} and if SOURCE is a message received: {MESSAGE_TYPE}
ERR5427 Failure on a D-ch used by VNS.
ERR5428 Failure on a bearer trunk used by VNS, VNS TASK, TERMINAL, CRPTR, and Time and Date output.
ERR5429 Unexpected event for the VNS state handler.
ERR5430 Unexpected message received on a D-ch used by VNS {message type}.
ERR5431 Invalid message to send an a D-ch used by VNS {message type}.
ERR5433 FLH timer conflict found on the EXUT, XCOT cards during audit parameter download. The FLH timer stored on the card is different form that which is stored in the route for the unit. TN of the unit is given.Force disconnect timer conflict found on the CIS incoming XDID card during audit parameter download. Unproductive timer conflict found on the CIS outgoing XDID card during audit parameter download.
ERR5434 {TN} A recall message is reported by the XFEM card to the software for an AC15 tie trunk but it is ignored because either the ACRL package is restricted or the TRRL feature is not configured properly.
{TN} TN of the faulty trunk.
1. If the TRRL feature is supposed to be configured, make sure the data configuration is correct. Enable the ACRL package and reload the system if necessary.
2. If the TRRL feature is NOT supposed to be configured, check why the system at the far end sends a recall signal.
ERR5435 {TN} A recall message is reported by the XFEM card to the software for an AC15 tie trunk but it is ignored because the trunk is not in the "answered" state. Where: {TN} TN of the faulty trunk.
Action: Check why the system at the far end sends a recall signal when the trunk is in this state.
ERR5436 Number of Call Registers is too low to process DASS/DPNSS calls. This can be changed in the configuration record (Overlay 17, prompt NCR).
ERR5437 Set is configured with DIG Member Number matching the SPRE first digit and one single DIG digit is expected. This should never happen unless wrong configuration manipulation. For instance, going from a two-digit table to a singledigit table without removing the single DIG Member Number matching the first SPRE code digit.
ERR5439 CPND/CLID message not sent to card from output buffer. Output buffer overflow on MCMO card. MCMO set buffer may not be large enough or is not being emptied.
Output Data: ERRyy x x tn, where:
yy - the error number.
x x - reference numbers for the message.
tn - terminal number (tn is in all decimals (l s c u)).
Action: If the error messages are from the same TN, check the station or the MCMO card for defects.
ERR5440 mm nn Auto Set Inst. default Model No. in LD 97 mismatches with model set defined in the data base, where: mm = the default model type and nn = the default number.
ERR5441 Facility message error. Incorrect Facility message is sent to the user.
ERR5442 The Set Based Administration initialization routine could not allocate enough memory for the restriction control blocks. Login limits are set to zero.
ERR5443 Y BTD table associated with this trunk Y has been removed using Overlay 97. Table 0 is used.
Action: Either recreate BTD table number as configured in trunk block or remove all trunks associated with this card and reconfigure them with BTDT to match an existing table.
ERR5444 l s c A mismatch between previously downloaded Busy Tone Phase 1 cadence value and audit message has occurred.
Action: Values on card are changed to reflect audit message. If problem continues, report problem to NT.
ERR5445 l s c A mismatch between previously downloaded Busy Tone Phase 2 cadence value and audit message has occurred.
Action: Values on card are changed to reflect audit message. If problem continues, report problem to NT.
ERR5446 l s c A mismatch between previously downloaded BTD call direction support value and audit message has occurred.
Action: Values on card are changed to reflect audit message. If problem continues, report problem to NT.
ERR5447 l s c A mismatch between previously downloaded Busy Tone Detect Level value and audit message has occurred.
ERR5448 The EI Originating party has received a CCM for the connection of the EI conference, but this CCM does not contain any EI-I.
Action: Still accept the message.
ERR5449 The Wanted party has become free while involved in an EI process (waiting for the Unwanted’s IPL or involved is an established EI conference), but it could not be re-rung for lack of resources or bad configuration.
Action: Send CRM (Congestion) on the Originating channel.
ERR5450 BTD Frequency 0 value mismatch.
ERR5451 BTD Frequency 1 value mismatch.
ERR5452 BTD Tone Tolerance value mismatch
ERR5453 BTD Tone Level Maximum value mismatch
ERR5454 BTD Tone Level Minimum value mismatch.
ERR5468 NFCR tree being used for Outgoing Call Barring does not exist. No calls are barred.
Action: Turn off OCB on the set indicated, or configure the required tree.
ERR5469 The number of digits used for LEC and ANI DN is more or less than 7 when trying to transmit ANI information to a CIS analogue/DTI trunk. The least significant digits of the ANI DN will be omitted or missing digits will be completed with ADDG.
Action: Check LEC prompt in LD 16 and ANI DN used.
ERR5490 Could not get a temporary Group Hunt block during Speed Call controller modification of a Group Hunt list.
ERR5491 Bad CPNW configuration. The Speed Call list specified in the CPNW data block of Overlay 18 is invalid.
ERR5492 The PINX DN cannot be reached. Either the configuration is invalid or the Dchannel is disabled. Or local PINX DN not defined.
ERR5493 TCAP or ROSE protocol error for CPNW feature.
ERR5494 x y z Where x = customer number y = GPHT list number z = dialed PLDN digits. A user has attempted to use a PLDN with USE = SCLU (Speed Call List User) or SCLC (Speed Call List Controller) to access a Group Hunt list. This configuration is not supported.