Mike's PBX Cookbook

ERR0600 - 0699

ERR0600 Invalid supervisor TN in Automatic Call Distribution (ACD).
Action: Check ACD data for the TN.
ERR0605 Agent-ID table is full.
ERR0606 High-speed link is not defined.
ERR0607 High-speed link Serial Data Interface (SDI) is disabled.
ERR0608 High-speed link status is ’down’.
ERR0609 Low-speed link is not defined.
ERR0623 Customer pointer not valid or is missing. Between the time of origination and the time the error was generated, the pointer to the customer data block was corrupted. (SET CUST PTRS fails).
ERR0624 ESN data block or NTCL data block pointer invalid or missing. A NARS/BARS/CDP DN has been dialed but the ESN or NTCL block has not been set up.
ERR0625 x y z d Pointer to NARS/BARS/CDP translation data is not valid, or missing. The pointer to the NARS/BARS/CDP translation data does not exist for the access code dialed (enter network data through service change).
x = Customer Number
y = NARS/BARS/CDP Route List Index
z = NARS/BARS/CDP Current Entry
d = Digits dialed to attempt NARS/BARS/CDP access.
ERR0626 NARS/BARS is not available due to feature packaging but a NARS/BARS access code is in the system and was dialed.
ERR0627 Translation data is corrupted; invalid translation type. NARS/BARS/CDP translation data specifies a call type not recognized by call processing software (corrupted protected data).
ERR0628 Route List data cannot be accessed. Route list specified by NARS/BARS/CDP is not in the system (add route list data through service change.)
ERR0629 Trunk route data cannot be accessed. Trunk route is specified by NARS/BARS/CDP data but the route data block is not available.
ERR0630 Location route data is invalid. When attempting to perform conversion from an onnet to an off-net number, it was determined that the location route data block has invalid data.
ERR0631 Route list entry data is at fault. Occurs when route list data has been changed between the time a route list entry has been selected and when the route has been seized (pointer to route list entry cannot be found).
ERR0638 Invalid NXX code.
ERR0639 Free Calling Area Screening (FCAS) data cannot be accessed.
ERR0640 Free Special Numbering Screen (FSNS) data cannot be accessed.
ERR0642 xxxx <memory needed> <memory left> Insufficient memory to run Corporate Directory.
ERR0643 n Attempt to enable remote TTY n failed. Auto-recovery will be attempted after 30 seconds. N = Remote TTY number
ERR0644 n Problem with remote TTY n. It is disabled and auto-recovery will be attempted after 30 seconds. N = Remote TTY number.
ERR0645 aa xx Attendant Announcement Table xx defined in Route aa does not exist.
Action: Please check AANN configuration.
ERR0646 c The I44 Nail-up for the local card C has failed on the IP expansion where c is the local card number on the IP expansion.