Mike's PBX Cookbook

ERR0400 - 0499

ERR0400 Customer data block missing.
ERR0401 NFCR pointers table missing.
ERR0402 CRCS table missing.
ERR0403 Tree pointers table missing.
ERR0404 No default tree exists.
ERR0405 Tree was service-changed.
ERR0406 NCOS not defined in procedure CODE_RESTRICTION.
ERR0418 MFC TN of active MFC S/R not.
ERR0468 x y tn rtclock Cannot send message to RAN card.
x y represent the reference number for the message.
tn = terminal number (tn is in all decimals (l s c u))
rtclock is an internal timestamp (.5 ms)
Possible output buffer overflow. Number of PBX output buffers may not be large enough.
Action: If the error messages are from the same tn check the card for problems.