Mike's PBX Cookbook

ERR0200 - 0299

ERR0200 c tn Invalid customer c in unit block.
Action: Correct the data for the specified TN.
ERR0201 No customer ptr set.
ERR0203 Ulptr not set.
ERR0205 c tn Invalid customer c in unit block.
Action: Correct the data for the specified TN.
ERR0206 Let group data audit get rid of all pointers.
ERR0210 r/c Route r or customer c is invalid.
Action: Correct the data in the trunk data block.
ERR0215 r/c Recorded Announcement (RAN) route r or customer c is nonexistent.
Action: Correct RAN route or customer number in route data block or customer data block.
ERR0220 r c No response (control pulse) return from all trunks on route r for customer c. Minor alarm lit on attendant console.
Action: Check RAN machine in operation. Use LD 36 to check RAN trunk and RAN machine.
ERR0221 r c Procedure NWK/DIGPR. Intercept treatment assigned as RAN. RAN route r for customer c does not exist.
ERR0225 c p The Call Detail Recording (CDR) port p for customer c is not a CDR device.
Action: Correct the data so that the port is not a CDR device, or connect the correct CDR hardware.
ERR0226 tn Bit was set for trunk idle. Missed operation of call transfer.
ERR0230 Protected ARS pointers incorrect.
Action: Print out and correct ARS data.
ERR0231 Location access code for a VNET route not found.
ERR0232 No ARS ADB data was found for network calls.
ERR0235 Invalid ARS route number. Can occur if an ARS schedule block contains a valid route that has no members.
Action: Print out and correct ARS data.
ERR0240 Inserted digits for a route do not begin with the access code for that route.
Action: Print out and correct ARS data.
ERR0245 tn scl Nonexistent or invalid speed call list number SCL.
Action: Correct speed call list number for the TN or provide the list number by service change.
ERR0250 c r x AIOD route number is not an AIOD route (x). Route data block for outgoing CO route contains invalid AIOD route number.
Action: Correct CO route data block.
ERR0260 Incomplete calling number information. Check ANI_LDN, ANI_TRK_NO and ANI_ATTN_NO to form complete 7-digit number.
ERR0265 g DND key used to determine status of nonexistent group g.
Action: Print out and correct data.
ERR0266 mg sg Secondary DND group sg was encountered during the processing of a main group (sg) that did not exist.
Action: Print out and correct data.
ERR0267 mg sg g A secondary group (sg) contains another group number (g).
Action: Print out and correct data.
ERR0269 c tn Procedure FIND_ARSQPTR failed. TN has suddenly disappeared during the processing of a call involving it. The TN may have been removed from service while someone was making or receiving a call on it.
ERR0270 Overflow of OVD_TRK_LIST. The trunk identified by the accompanying OVD003 message may not be automatically re-enabled.
ERR0275 x ARS schedule block (x) not in data but is invoked by certain codes.
Action: Print out and correct ARS data.
ERR0280 tn1 tn2 Ring Again activated by TN1 was unable to access trunk tn2 due to trunk access restrictions.
Action: Ensure that all trunks in the route have the same Class-of-Service.
ERR0285 tn Voice call to invalid DN from set. Ensure that voice call key does not point to mixed, multiple appearance or invalid DN.
ERR0290 Invalid incoming DP precedence digit.
ERR0291 Invalid incoming MF precedence digit.