Mike's PBX Cookbook

ERR0000 - 0099

ERR0001 No MWI NSI table corresponds to the NSI string received.
Action: Check the MWI NSI table in OVL 15.
ERR0002 The NSI string received does not match the corresponding MWI NWI table.
Action: Compare the MWI NSI table in OVL 15 to the manufacturer's requirements.
ERR0003 A Syntax error in the MWI NSI string received.
Action: Compare the MWI NSI table in OVL 15 to the manufacturer's requirements.
ERR0010 loop Input message from unequipped loop. If the loop is physically present, then either it should not be there or the data is incorrect. If the loop is not present, the peripheral signaling card on that shelf is suspect.
Action: Run Background Signaling and Switching Diagnostic (LD 45).
ERR0020 l s c Input message received from unequipped PE pack l s c. No data exists for any TN on this pack, which is disabled to prevent further input.
If all messages from same pack or from same PE shelf. Suspect:
PE pack l s c (if present)
Peripheral buffer on loop l shelf s
Network loop s
Cables connecting network and peripheral shelves
Other PE packs on loop l shelf s connectors

If all messages from loop L (various shelves). Suspect:
1. Network loop l or associated cables or connectors
2. Any peripheral buffer pack on loop l.

For SL-1 XN: Messages occur only when a specific System Clock Generator (SCG) is providing clock and loops in all groups are affected. Suspect:
1. QPC411 SCG providing clock when messages occur
2.Any QPC412 Intergroup Switch (IGS).

Messages occur only when a specific SCG is providing clock and loops on both shelves of one group are affected. Suspect:
1. QPC412 IGS associated with affected group when messages occur
2. Cable connecting the SCG and IGS packs via the Junctor

Messages are all from loops on the same network shelf. Suspect:
1. Peripheral signaling pack on affected shelf
2.QPC412 IGS on affected shelf
3. Any network, conference or TDS pack on this shelf.

Messages occur only when a specific CPU is active and only one group is affected. Suspect:
CE Extender connecting CPU to affected group, or
interconnecting cables.

If all messages are from the same XMLC/XDLC, then the XMLC/XDLC is to be
unplugged and reinserted (Option 11 only).

ERR0027 Too large, invalid greater than 3 auxpm out-of-range.
ERR0030 x x tn rtclock NE-500 output buffer overflow. NE-500 set buffer may not be large enough or is not being emptied.
x x represents reference numbers for the message. These numbers normally do not concern the user.
Minor alarm lamp lit on attendant console for ERR030 281 1 TN only
Action: If the error messages are from the same TN, check the station or 500/ 2500 line card for defects. If the message persists, contact your technical support group.
ERR0031 x x Output buffer overflow (as ERR030). An RPE message lost.
x x represents reference numbers for the message. These numbers normally do not concern the user.
ERR0032 No response is received for an MCID request.
Action: Check if the local CO supports the treatment of such requests.
ERR0033 An mCIDRequest return error component (See Appendix C), has been returned with the indication 'notSubscribed'.
Action: Check if you have subscribed to the service with the operator. If not, disallow MCID as a Remote Capability on the corresponding D-Channel.`
ERR0034 An mCIDRequest return error component (see Appendix C) has been returned with the indication 'notAvailable'. This means that the network was not able to register any call information.
Action: Contact your technical support group.
ERR0040 x x tb rtclock SL-1 telephone output buffer overflow. SL-1 telephone buffer may not be large enough.
Action: If the error messages are from the same TN, check the station or SL-1 line card for defects. If the message persists, notify the operating company.
x x represents reference numbers for the message. These numbers normally do not concern the user.
ERR0045 tn Invalid DN stored against buzz key.
Action: If the set is equipped with a buzz key, check that the DN stored against it is valid. Otherwise, print (using LD 20) all information for that SL-1 telephone and notify the operating company.
ERR0050 x x tn SL-1 telephone DN has too many appearances.
Action: For each DN on the specified SL-1 telephone, check that the DN has at most 16 appearances. Otherwise, notify the operating company.
x x represents reference numbers for the message. These numbers normally do not concern the user.
ERR0060 tn Invalid TN.
Action: Check that the Digitone receiver with the given TN is defined in data.
ERR0070 tn x y z Input from software-idled Digitone receiver.
x = rtclock
y = start time when ttr idled
z = allowed wait time before printing msg
x, y, z in half millisecond increments
Action: Perform digital receiver diagnostic. Use DTR 1 s c (u) command in LD 34.
ERR0071 Charge_son never a main_cr.
ERR0076 Music trunk has a bad Call Register in active Call Register (CR).
ERR0077 Music CR has a bad conference TN.
ERR0078 Music CR has a bad auxpm.
ERR0079 Music on hold has improper Call Register (CR).
ERR0080 tn key Key input from software-unequipped add-on module.
Action: Check SL-1 telephone data. Ensure that add-on module is defined and that key number is less than last key.
ERR0081 Music source has improper Call Register (CR).
ERR0090 tn Answer supervision received but more digits to be outpulsed.
Action: Check with central office for a bad trunk.
ERR0091 tn A call through the network trunk was camped on for 40 min. The call is disconnected.
ERR0092 c r s A radio paging system has failed. All trunks on that route have been made maintenance busy. Output: c = customer, r = route, s = system.