Partition the CPPM FMD
If you experience Fixed Media Device (FMD) errors, it will need to be re-formatted and partitioned.
Always partition the on-board FMD from the Tools Menu before installing Call Server software...

CP PIV and CP PM flash cards: Fixed Media Drive = 1 GB, Removable Media Drive = 512MB
- N0005129 Blank 1GB Compact Flash
- N0116597 Blank 512 MB Compact Flash

To partition the Fixed Media Device (FMD):

- Make sure you have a serial TTY connection to the Call Server (CPPM card).
- Insert the CS1000 Software Installation flash card (NTM443CA) in the CPPM faceplate drive.
- Press the CPPM card's Reset button.
- Press f when prompted to boot from the faceplate flash card.
After a short period, the Main Menu should appear.
Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool ==================================================================== M A I N M E N U The Software Installation Tool will install or upgrade Communication Server 1000 Software, Database and the CP-BOOTROM. You will be prompted throughout the installation and given the opportunity to quit at any time. Please enter: <CR> -> <u> - To Install Menu. <t> - To Tools Menu. <q> - Quit. Enter choice> t
Enter t to select the tools menu
Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool ==================================================================== T O O L S M E N U This is the Tools Menu for Install. You can select the tool that is appropriate. Please select one of the options below. Please enter: <CR> -> <a> - To set the system date and time. <b> - To partition the Fix Media Device. <c> - To display the partition size of Fix Media Device. <d> - To reload default accounts. <g> - To print System S/W content on Removable Media Device. <h> - To print Keycode content. <i> - To print Security Device content. <j> - To Check the customer specific System S/W on the RMD. <k> - To manually create Keycode on Removable Media Device. <r> - To install Keycode only. <s> - To archive existing database. <t> - To replace CPU board BIOS. <v> - To display media vendor information. <w> - To Set the CPPM Core Location (Side/Loop/Shelf) Information. <m> - To return to the Main Menu. Enter choice> b
Enter b to partition the FMD
Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool ==================================================================== You selected to Partition the Fix Media Device. This task can only be performed by Nortel's Manufacturing personnel. Enter password -> letron
The password is 'nortel' backwards:letron
Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool ==================================================================== You selected to Partition the Fix Media Device. This will ERASE ALL files and directories on the FMD of Core 0. You can choose to go on and Partition your FMD or choose to quit now and leave the FMD unchanged. Note: INSTALL WILL REBOOT AFTER THIS PROCEDURE AND FMD WILL BE EMPTY AFTER YOU PARTITION IT. INSTALL MEDIA MUST BE IN THE DRIVE AT THIS TIME. Please enter: <CR> -> <q> - Quit from this menu and leave the FMD unchanged. <a> - Partition FMD into appropriate devices. Enter choice> a
Enter a to continue...
Clearing partitions on hda >Repartitioning Fix Media Device ... >Fix Media Device repartition completed >Formatting FMD ...
The FMD will be partitioned and formatted, and when complete, the CPPM card will re-boot...
When the the Main Menu appears, select the Install Menu, and continue with the Software Installation Tool.