Mike's PBX Cookbook

MIRAN - Software Installation

If data on the MIRAN Compact Flash (CF) card is corrupted or missing, the card will not boot, and T20 will remain on the display.
There may be a Cannot open "/C:/exec" error, or a VxWorks login: prompt. The solution is to re-install the application on the CF card.
Make sure you have a copy of the keycode, and/or the KEYCODE.DAT file. The keycode is married to the cards security dongle. MC32/MC8 internal Flash Card

Manually install the application:

1 Remove the MIRAN III, and remove the CF card on it. Using a CF to USB reader, mount the CF card on your PC.

2 Obtain the application file: miran30M.mms or 30P03.mms and copy it to your PC.

3 Rename the .mms file to exec (no extension), and copy it to the MIRAN CF card.

4 Replace the MIRAN, and watch it boot. After a while, the logon screen should appear. The application version number is displayed above the copyright message.

Note: If the card does not come up properly, or comes up with the wrong software release, re-install/upgrade to correct this. The executable file on the CF must be named exec. MIRAN Logon screen showing application version

From the CLI:

You can alternatively copy the MIRAN software using a PCMCIA "Software Delivery card" and the CLI.
If the card boots to a VxWorks login: prompt, the username and password is: itgadmin / itgadmin
The faceplate slot is drive /A:/, and the card mounted CF is drive /C:/

  1. Copy the 30P03.mms file to a PCMCIA card, for the MIRAN faceplate.
  2. Reset the MIRAN, and watch the boot sequence: enter jkl when prompted.
  3. Enter the command: copy "/A:/30P03.mms", "/C:/exec"
  4. Reset the card, and watch the boot messages to confirm the new SW version.
-> ll "/A:/"
/A:/  - Volume is OK                                
-rwxrwxAwx  1 0       0          4093904 Sep 26  2015 30P03.MMS 
-rwxrwxAwx  1 0       0          4085136 Sep 26  2015 miran30M.mms 
value = 0 = 0x0
-> copy "/A:/30P03.mms", "/C:/exec"
/C:/  - Volume is OK                        
Copy OK: 4093904 bytes copied
value = 0 = 0x0

If the exec file is corrupt, delete it with rm "/C:/exec", and copy it back from drive A. Use mv "from", "to" to rename a file.
If you suspect a bad or corrupt CF, use chkdsk, and re-format if necessary - Re-format the CF with diskInit "/C:/"
BE CAREFUL WITH THE SYNTAX! Backup the keycode, calendar and music files first (if possible). Note the CF FAT type is FAT16.

-> diskInit "/C:/"
Retrieved old volume params with %100 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT16, sectors per cluster 32
  2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 244 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 8, hidden 63, FAT sectors 488
  Root dir entries 512, sysId (null)  , serial number a4ae2016
  Label:"NO NAME    " ...
Disk with 1997793 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT16, sectors per cluster 32
  2 FAT copies, 62412 clusters, 244 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 8, hidden 63, FAT sectors 488
  Root dir entries 512, sysId VXDOS16 , serial number a4ae2016
  Label:"NO NAME    " ...
"/C:/" initialized.
value = 0 = 0x0
-> copy "/A:/30P03.mms", "/C:/exec"
Copy OK: 4093904 bytes copied
value = 0 = 0x0
-> copy "/A:/KEYCODE.DAT", "/C:/KEYCODE.DAT"
Copy OK: 26 bytes copied
value = 0 = 0x0

KEYCODE.DAT is a plain text (NotePad) file containing the 3x 8 digit keycode, eg: 62053147 34650777 12314436.
The VxWorks command: ioHelp will list the file system commands.