MGC faceplate errors

The following applies to:
- NTDW60 - Media Gateway Controller Card (MGC)
- NTDW20 - Media Gateway Extended Peripheral Equipment Controller card (MG XPEC)
The four-character LED faceplate display normally shows the configured superloop and shelf number: LLLS
Note, the shelf digit is a special superscript character to differentiate it from the superloop number.
- Connect 1E → ELAN & 2T → TLAN - CE and CT are for CCPM CS and SS direct connections only
During power-up/boot:
When an MGC boots, diagnostic information from the hardware and firmware tests appears on the faceplate.
In a normal boot process, the messages appear in the following order: BOOT ➤ POST ➤ PASS ➤ LOAD
If a fatal self-test error occurs, then PASS and LOAD do not appear, instead an error code appears.
MGC faceplate startup codes:
Display | Description |
BOOT | This is the first message when display becomes active |
POST | Power on self test, appears while the MGC performs hardware system tests during system power up |
PASS | Power on self test pass |
EXXX | Error code, where XXX is numeric. Appears if a serious system error is detected - see below |
LOAD | Application software is loading |
After the boot loader loads the CSP and starts to run, the faceplate displays diagnostic information.
During normal operation:
During normal operation, the LED displays the IP Media Gateway (IPMG) superloop and shelf number. If an error occurs the display cycles between the loop/shelf number and the error code. Each item is displayed for 20 seconds.
MGC faceplate normal operation / error codes:
Display | Description |
LLLS | IPMG superloop and shelf number, where LLL is the superloop and S is the shelf. Eg, 0320 or 1201 |
UNRG | MGC is un-registered, this my be due to either a configuration or network error |
E001 | A 96 port daughter board is installed in DB position 2, this is not supported. Re-install it in position 1 |
E002 | Unable to send registration request to call server |
E003 | Link down to call server |
E004 | DSP Daughter board is not registered with call server |
Reboot MGC:
To reset/reboot an MGC, press the front panel RST button; or Telnet the cards IP address, press [CTRL] LDB to enter the Local DeBug shell, login (admin2/0000) and enter the command: reboot
ldb> reboot
The Telnet session will immediately drop, and the card reboots.