Incoming Digit Conversion
Incoming Digit Conversion is used to convert received digits into an unrelated (but dialable) local number. This might be done to manipulate a DID block, or to re-route calls to a different extension. IDC only applies to Direct Inward Dialing (DID) routes.
Use LD 49 to print, add, change, or delete Incoming DID Digit Conversion (IDC) tree data.
New Flexible Code Restriction (NFCR) and Incoming Digit Conversion (IDCA) must be allowed (both YES) in the Customer Data Block - LD 15, FCR_DATA. Set MAXT and DCMX (maximum number of NFCR and IDC tables) to say 100 each.
Use LD 16 to assign an IDC tree to a route by setting IDC YES, then set DCNO and NDNO (day and night IDC tree number) to the IDC tree defined in LD 49. Remember: A PBX without a console is always in night mode.
Print a route (RDB) in LD 21, change it in LD 16. Check the following IDC prompts:
IDC yes Use digit conversion for this route DCNO 0-254 Day mode IDC tree number NDNO 0-254 Night mode IDC tree number DEXT (no)/yes Display pre-conversion (dialed) digits
Define, change, or print an IDC tree, DCNO, in LD 49. At the IDGT prompt (incoming digits to be converted), enter the DN (or DN range) to be converted. The DN(s) to be converted is output on the next line, and the user enters the internal DN after the colon.
Below is a sample print out of IDC 2 - incomming digit 0 will be routed to DN 3613
>ld 49 DGT000 MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1218339 USED U P: 81396 60136 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 440 REQ prt TYPE idc CUST 0 DCNO 2 IDC tree number DCNO 2 SDID NO IDGT CDGT Incoming Digit - Changed Digit 0 3613 MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1218339 USED U P: 81396 60136 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 440 REQ
To add an entry, use CHG.
Below we add an entry, 1 will route to 3699
REQ chg TYPE idc CUST 0 DCNO 2 IDGT 1 1 3699 IDGT Hit return if not changing more entries MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1218336 USED U P: 81396 60139 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 440 REQFORC is prompted if a new entry conflicts with an existing one. Enter YES to force the new entry, or NO if unsure.
Always review and understand the IDC tables before editing them!
To delete an entry, enter the IDGT, and then X on the following line.
REQ chg TYPE idc CUST 0 DCNO 2 IDGT 1 1 x IDGT Hit return if not changing more entries MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1218336 USED U P: 81396 60139 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 440 REQ