D-Channel Daughterboard
The NTBK51 daughterboard provides two Multipurpose Serial Data Link (MSDL) based Downloadable D-channel (DCH) interfaces.

NTBK50 2Mb PRI, with
NTBK51 D-Channel daughter Board, and
NTAK20 Clock controller daughter Board
When the Dual D-Channel daughter Board is used with a NT5D97 Dual-port DTI2/PRI2 card (large system), the PRI cards DIP switches must set the MSDL device address. When used with a NTBK50 2.0 Mb PRI card (small system), only Port 1 is used. Refer to the Circuit Card Reference NTP for details.
NTBK51 Programming:
After building a DCH in LD 17, the configuration must always be written to the daughter board in LD 96: ENL MSDL X FDL
ADAN DCH x CTYP MSDL Card type is MSDL DNUM xx Use the DNUM that was set by the DIP switches PORT 0 0 for EVEN PRI loop / 1 for ODD PRI loop, or small system DES E1_DID Designator USR PRI DCHL XX Associated PRI Loop number OTBF 32 PARM RS422 DTE DRAT 64KC CLOK EXT IFC D100 SIDE USR CNEG 1 RLS ID 25 RCAP MBGA NO OVLR NO OVLS NO T200 3 T203 10 N200 3 N201 260 K 7
MSDL/DCH Maintenance:
Useful LD 96 MSDL/DCH maintenance commands. x is the MSDL device number (DNUM in LD 17), or DCH number.
When you first enable a new MSDL/DCH (or after a change) always 'Force Download' (FDL) the configuration, and watch for the dots.
Command | Description |
ENL MSDL x (FDL, ALL) | Enable MSDL device (FDL: Force DownLoad new or changed configuration) |
DIS MSDL x (ALL) | Disable MSDL device |
RST MSDL x | Reset MSDL device |
STAT MSDL (x) (FULL) | Get MSDL status |
SLFT MSDL x | Execute a self-test on MSDL device x |
ENL DCH x (FDL) | Enable DCH x and attempt to establish the link, and force download to MSDL |
DIS DCH x | Disable DCH x |
RST DCH x | Reset D-channel x, inhibit signaling |
STAT DCH (x) | Get status of one or all D-channels |
MAP DCH | Show the D-channel hardware port assignments |
ENL AUTO x | Enable automatic recovery for DCH x |
DIS AUTO x | Disable automatic recovery for DCH x |
D Channel status:
D Channel status is displayed in LD 96 with STAT DCH x
If x is omitted, the status of all D channels is output. The output format is:
DCH x : <Application_status> <Link_status> AUTO XX DES
Application status:
APRI - Awaiting PRI response
CPRI - Checking PRI
DIAG - application has failed
DSBL - application is disabled
OPER - link is operational
RST - application is in reset state
SDCH - Setting D-channelLink status:
AEST - Awaiting establishment
ARLS - Awaiting release
EST ACTV - DCH link is established and active
EST STBY - DCH link is established and in standby
FAIL - DCH link has failed
REST - request establishment
RLS - DCH link is released
RST - DCH link is in reset state
TST - Test modeAUTO - if auto-recovery is enabled, AUTO is shown
XX - BKUP x / PRIM x (associated primary or backup DCH, only if applicable)
DES : - the DCH circuit designator follows
>ld 96 DCH000 .stat dch DCH 05 : DSBL RST AUTO DES : E1_DID <- this is down! DCH 06 : OPER EST ACTV AUTO DES : E1_TIE <- this is good!
LED status:
PRI cards have faceplate status LEDs, the dual-color DCHI LED indicates the NTBK51 daughter board status:
Status Definition NTBK51 is equipped, but disabled. NTBK51 is enabled, but not necessarily established. NTBK51 is not equipped.