Mike's PBX Cookbook

NT5D10 68060 Call Processor (CP) Card

This procedure describes how to replace an NT5D10 68060 Call Processor (CP) card.

Refer to Software Input Output Administration (NN43001-611) for a description of all maintenance commands, and Software Input Output Reference - System Messages (NN43001-712) for interpretation of system messages.

CAUTION! Service Interruption!
At some point in this procedure, it is necessary to warm start the system, causing a momentary interruption in call processing.

Removing the NT5D10 68060 Call Processor (CP) card

1. To access the core during the replacement procedure, connect a terminal to the J25 port on the I/O panel in the Core Module or Core/Network Module for the CP card being replaced. To communicate with the processor, use the following terminal settings:

If using only one terminal or a switch box, switch the connection from core to core as needed.

2. The CP card being replaced must be in the inactive core. Check the status of the NT5D10 Call Processor cards:

LD 135
STAT CPU       determine which CP card is active, and if necessary, switch cores:
SCPU           switch cores (if required)
****           exit LD 135

3. Set the NORM/MAINT switch on the NT5D10 Call Processor card to MAINT on the active core.
4. Set the ENB/DIS switch on all CNI cards on the inactive core to DIS.
5. Perform the following three steps on the inactive core in an uninterrupted sequence:

a. Press and hold down the MAN RST button on the CP card on the inactive core.
b. Set the NORM/MAINT switch to MAINT.
c. Release the MAN RST button.

The system is now in split mode where each core is functioning independently and the automatic switchover has been disabled.

6. Remove the CP card and put it in a static bag and box.

Installing the replacement NT5D10 68060 Call Processor (CP) card

1. Set the NORM/MAINT switch to MAINT on the replacement card.
2. Insert the Install Program diskette for the NT5D10 Call Processor into the slot.
3. Insert the CP replacement card into the vacated slot and hook the locking devices.
4. Press the MAN RST button on the replacement CP card.
5. When the NT Logo Screen appears on the terminal, press <CR>.
6. Enter the date and time.
7. When the Main Menu appears, select <u> to go to the Install Menu.
8. Insert the Keycode diskette when prompted and select <a> to continue with the keycode validation.
9. Select the following options in sequence from the Install Menu:

<g> to reinstall CP software
<y> to start installation
<a> to continue ROM upgrade
<cr> to return to the Install Menu

10. When the Install Menu appears, select the following options in sequence:

<e> to install CP-BOOTROM
<y> to start installation
<a> to continue with the upgrade

11. A Status Summary is displayed indicating what was installed. Press <CR> to return to the Install Menu.
12. Remove the diskette from the slot.
13. Select the following options to quit the Install Tool:

<q> to quit
<y> to confirm quit
<a> to reboot the system.

The system reboots. Wait for the INI and DONE messages to display before continuing.
Note, it takes at least 70 seconds between the DONE and INI messages.

14. After the system initialization has finished (INI messages are no longer displayed on the system terminal), check for dial tone on a telephone.
15. Following a successful dial tone test, perform the following basic sanity tests:

a. Make sure calls can be placed.
b. Check for error messages, line noise, chatter, or other problems.

Track sources and resolve problems as necessary.

16. To place the system back in the redundant (normal) mode with automatic switchover capability, perform the following five steps in uninterrupted sequence on the inactive core (the core with the replaced CP card):

a. Press and hold down the MAN RST button on the CP card of the inactive core.
b. While holding down the MAN RST button, set the NORM/MAINT switch on the same CP card to NORM.
c. Enable all CNI switches in the inactive core.
d. Release the MAN RST button.
e. Set the CP card in the active core to NORM.

After several minutes, an "HWI533" message is issued by the active core indicating that the inactive core memory is being synchronized with the active core memory.

17 Log on to the system and check the status of the replacement CP card from the active side: LD 135: STAT CPU
18. If there are CCED messages generated by the STAT CPU command on the replacement CP card, set the NORM/MAINT switch to MAINT, press the reload (MAN RST) button, and set the NORM/MAINT switch back to NORM. (It may take 2 to 4 minutes for memory synchronization to take place.)
19. After the HWI0533 message is displayed, test the replacement CP card from the active CPU: TEST CPU
The test causes a cold start on the inactive CPU

If the test results in: CCED014 "Test failed because unable to enter SPLIT mode"....

On the active CP card set the NORM/MAINT switch to NORM, and from the active side enter: TEST CPU To test the CP card.
20. Set the NORM/MAINT switch to NORM on the active CP card (if not already set).
21. Check the status of the CPUs: STAT CPU
22. Test the CPU. TEST CPU
23. Check the status of the CNIs: STAT CNI
24. Switch cores and exit the program: SCPU
**** to exit LD 135