Mike's PBX Cookbook

M1 Network Configuration

Super Loops
Group 0 Shelf 0 0-15 9x 0, 4, 8, 12 0 (4x) 0G0 (EX) 2 (5x) J6 J1 0 (5x)
Shelf 1 16-31 Ax 16, 20, 24, 28 1 1G0 (Fx) 3 J17 J22 1
Group 1 Shelf 0 32-47 Bx 32, 36, 40, 44 2 0G1 6 J7 J2 4
Shelf 1 48-63 Cx 48, 52, 56, 60 3 1G1 7 J16 J21 5
Group 2 Shelf 0 64-79 Dx 64, 68, 72, 76 4 0G2 10 J8 J3 8
Shelf 1 80-95 19x 80, 84, 88, 92 5 1G2 11 J15 J20 9
Group 3 Shelf 0 96-111 1Ax 96, 100, 104, 108 6 0G3 14 J9 J4 12
Shelf 1 112-127 1Bx 112, 116, 120, 124 7 1G3 15 J14 J19 13
Group 4 Shelf 0 128-143 1Cx 128, 132, 136, 140 8 0G4 18 (6x) J10 J5 16 (6x)
Shelf 1 144-159 1Dx 144, 148, 152, 156 9 1G4 19 (6x) J13 J18 17 (6x)
Group 5 Shelf 0 160-175 13x 160, 164, 168, 172 10 0G5 - - - -
Shelf 1 176-191 14x 176, 180, 184, 188 11 1G5 - - - -
Group 6 Shelf 0 192-207 15x 192, 196, 200, 204 12 0G6 - - - -
Shelf 1 208-223 16x 208, 212, 216, 220 13 1G6 - - - -
Group 7 Shelf 0 224-239 17x 224, 228, 232, 236 14 0G7 - - - -
Shelf 1 240-255 18x 240, 244, 248, 252 15 1G7 - - - -

M1 System Sizes:

Some background info - from the days before IP!

The system uses 'timeslots' to connect each party on an active call. These timeslots are present on Network Equipment components called Loops. Each Loop has 30 timeslots, and Super-loops have 120 timeslots (4 loops). Loop and Super-loop cards sit in the Network Equipment shelves, there are 16 Loops per Network shelf. 32 loops are called a Group (eg, 2 Network shelves). The Option 81C is called a multi-group system because you can equip up to five Network groups. This was later expanded to 8 Network groups with a dual ring fiber optic network replacing the intergroup cards and intergroup module, providing a maximum of 7680 timeslots!

What is a Timeslot?
A timeslot is one (64Kbps) voice channel
What is a Loop?
A loop is a collection of 30 timeslots
What is a Slot?
A slot is a physical single card location within a network or IPE shelf
In a Network Shelf, one slot provides two loops, ie: 60 timeslots
What is a Super Loop?
1 Super Loop = 4 Loops
Thus one Super Loop contains 120 timeslots, and takes up 2 slots in a Network shelf
What is a Network Shelf?
A collection of 8 physical slots, or 16 network Loops (4 Super Loops)
What is a Network Group?
A pair of Network Shelves (8 Super Loops)
1 Loop = 30 timeslots
1 Slot = 2 Loops = 60 timeslots
1 Super Loop = 2 slots = 4 Loops = 120 timeslots
1 Network Shelf = 4 Super Loops = 8 Slots = 16 Loops = 480 timeslots
1 Network Group = 2 Network Shelves = 8 Super Loops = 16 Slots = 960 timeslots
8 Network Groups = 64 Super Loops = 256 Loops = 7680 timeslots (256 loops x 30 timeslots)