Mike's PBX Cookbook

Create an Inventory

Use LD 117 to create and print an inventory (INV) of installed cards and/or sets.

  1. First, generate the inventory with: INV GEN ALL
  2. Wait for it to complete, then print it with: INV PRT ALL

Preferably, do not do this at peak traffic times. See below for further Inventory Commands.

Note:An inventory can be generated at night, and printed manually the next day.
Use the LD 117: INV MIDNIGHT commands to set a nightly schedule.


>ld 117

=> inv gen all
Generate card, set & locrpt inventory
Started successfully

MAT052 Inventory locrpt generation complete

MAT011 Inventory sets generation complete

MAT010 Inventory card generation complete

=> inv prt all
ALL (Card, Set & Locrpt Inventory)
Card inventory:
20 2 2008 11 14 7, 20 2 2008 11 14 37, 16        
 XCT-TDS/MF, 0, <Unavailable>
 CONF, 1, <Unavailable>
 TMDI, 8, NTRB21AC  
 TMDI, 9, NTRB21AA  
 XCT-TDS/MF, 16, <Unavailable>
 CONF, 17, <Unavailable>
 XCT-TDS/MF, 60, <Unavailable>
 CONF, 61, <Unavailable>
 MGC , 004 0, NTDW60BA 3 NNTMG19Y3274
 CP-PM CS 0, 4 0 1, NTDW61BAE5 3 NNTMG19Y36
 CPPM SS, 4 0 2, NTDW61BAE50003 NNTMG19Y63VACPP, E911LAB_SS2_500,
 XUT , 004 0 03, NT8D14CB  01 NNTMENC7TEYF 0745  
 DLC , 004 0 04, NT8D02EA  04 NNTM18303EFM0000000
 DLC , 004 0 06, NT8D02EA 0300TZ00000000000000000
 DSPDB , 004 0 11, NTDW64AA R01 NNTMG19Y2Y45
 DTR , 004 0 14, <Unavailable>
 MFR , 004 0 15, <Unavailable>

Sets inventory:
20 2 2008 11 14 7, 20 2 2008 11 14 15, 34        
 3904, 004 0 04 01, M3904      NTMN03EC 70 01 3BEA0E , 3904  , 6201
 2616, 004 0 04 02, <Unavailable>, 2616  , 6202
 2616, 004 0 04 03, <Unavailable>, 2616  , 6203
 2616, 004 0 06 01, M2616      NT9K16AC 03 04 F66A03 , 2616  , 6301
 1150, 096 0 00 01, 1150 NTYS06AA 66 27 FEA4DE , 1150  , 2911001
 2004P2, 096 0 00 02, 2004P2 NTDU92AA 66  2 E52731 , 2004  , 6102
 2004P1, 096 0 00 03, 2004P1 NT2K00GI 66  0 050891 , 2004  , 2911003
 1140, 096 0 00 04, 1140 NTYS05AA 66 25 2F52C3 , 1140  , 6104
 KEM1, 096 0 00 04, NGKem NTYS08AA  1 4D4547
 KEM2, 096 0 00 04, NGKem NTYS08AA  1 4D4547
 2002P2, 096 0 00 05, 2002P2 NTDU91AA 66  2 FAE620 , 2002  , 6105
 2004P2, 096 0 00 08, 2004P2 NTDU92AA 66  2 F49462 , 2004  , 6108
 1110, 096 0 00 09, 1110 NTYS02AA 66 23 2EDEC5 , 1110  , 6109

LD 117 Inventory Commands:

INV GENERATE ABORTAbort all Inventory generations
INV GENERATE ALLBegin generating both Card and telephone Inventory files
INV GENERATE CARDSBegin generating Card Inventory file
INV GENERATE SETSBegin generating telephone Inventory file

INV MIDNIGHT ALLSchedule Card and Telephone Inventory file generation
INV MIDNIGHT CARDSSchedule Card Inventory file generation
INV MIDNIGHT OFFUn-schedule Card and Telephone Inventory file generation
INV MIDNIGHT SETSSchedule Telephone Inventory file generation
INV MIDNIGHT STATUSPrint state of virtual midnight routine schedule of Inventory

INV PRTPrint out the status of the Inventory feature
INV PRT ALLPrint out both the card and the Telephone Inventory files
INV PRT CARDSPrint out the Card Inventory file
INV PRT SETSPrint out the Telephone Inventory file
INV PRT STATUSPrint out the status of the Inventory feature (or INV PRT)