Planning & Programming Guide

Planning Station Groups Determine for each station:                                    
Call locations,  Local
Interlata (In state toll)
Interstate Toll
International Toll
Allowed call types, DDD
Operator assisted
Toll Free
Service Codes
Allowed call times, Maximum of 8 periods are available
Allowed facilities local CO trunks
Foreign Exchange (FX)
Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS)
Tie Trunk/International Voice Gateway
Note for each station the TGAR and NCOS if programmed
Trunk Groups Determine for each trunk group:                                                         
Dialing patterns, The number of digits required to complete and identify each call type: 4, 7, 10, 11, or more.
Mandatory digits (is 1 required for a toll call?)
Preferred usage sequences Which trunk group will carry each call type at the lowest possible cost?  The second lowest cost? … The most expensive?
Permissions Note the TGAR for each trunk group
System Select system wide parameters
Use the above information to determine the minimum of each parameter that will be required, then increase it by at least 10% above expected growth estimates. Maximum number of location codes (ISDN networking)
Maximum number of Supplemental Digit Restriction Blocks
Maximum number of incoming trunk group exclusion tables
Maximum number of Digit Manipulation Tables
Maximum number of Route Lists
Maximum number of Free Calling Area Screening Tables
Maximum number of Free Special Number Screening Tables
Maximum number of Special Common Carrier entries
Select these options based upon local needs. BARS access code
Will second dial tone be provided?
Will expensive route warning tone be provided?
Will trunk group access restrictions be checked?
Will Off-hook or call back queuing be used?
Programming LD 86 Preliminaries FEAT ESN
MXLC =max. number of LOC codes
MXSD =max. number of Supplemental Digit Restriction blocks
MXIX =max. number of Incoming Trunk Group exclusion tables
MXDM =max. number of Digit Manipulation tables
MXRL =max. number of Route Lists
MXFC =max. number of Free Calling Area screening tables
MXFS =max. number of Free Special Number Screening tables
CDP (YES) NO coordinated dialing plan
MSCC x  x =max. number of SCC entries (0 - 7)
AC1  BARS access code
AC2 (NARS only)
DLTN (YES) NO provide second dial tone?
ERWT (YES) NO expensive route tone available?
Time of day restriction lists TOD (8 lists available, 0 defaults to all day, 7 or attendant's <RTC> key changes NCOS)
ETOD 1= Sunday 2= Monday . . . 7= Saturday
Apply restriction Controls RTCL YES
NMAP xx yy   xx= normal NCOS                                           yy= NCOS when TODS 7 active or <RTC> activated.
Digit Manipulation FEAT DGT
DMI xxx  xxx= Digit Manipulation Index number used in the Route List.
DEL (0) - 19 number of leading digits to be deleted
INST x . . . x  leading digits to be inserted
SCCI (0) - 7 index into the Special Common Carrier table
CTYP (NCHG)  can change the call type, default is no change
Programming LD 87 Network Restrictions for station NCOS FEAT NCTL
NCOS xx  xx= Network Class Of Service group number to be modified.
FRL x  x= Facility Restriction Level (0) - 7
Free Calling Area Screening FEAT FCAS
FCI xxx  xxx= assigned index number to be used in the route list (1 - 127)
NPA xxx or 1xxx Area code to be screened.
DENY nxx nxx  = Code or code range to be denied.
ALLOW nxx nxx  = Code or code range to allow.
Free Special Number Screening. FEAT FSN
FSNI xxx  xxx= Assigned index number to be used in the route list (1 - 255)
SPN xxx  xxx= Service code to be screened
DENY supplemental digits to be denied.
ALLOW  supplemental digits to allow.
LD 86 Build each required Route List  Note: Not all fields are shown. FEAT RLB
RLI xxx  xxx= Assigned index number to be used in the Network Translation Check table.
ENTR xxx  xxx= position in this list
ROUT xxx  xxx= route number assigned in LD 16 (0 - 511)
TOD x  x= Time of day schedule 0 - 7
EXP (NO) YES  Give expensive route
FRL x  x= Facility Restriction Level (0 - 7) higher is more restrictive.
DMI xxx  xxx= Digit Manipulation Index
FCI xxx  xxx= Free Calling Area Screening Index number
FSNI xxx  xxx= Free Special Number Screening Index
Programming LD 90 Build the Network Translation Check tables.  Since there are no "wild card" characters, but limited ranging is permitted, it is suggested that things will be easier in the long run if you define all 800 possible area codes, even though they are not as yet all in service.  This will use a trunk if an invalid number is dialed until the Telco. kills the call.  This traffic increase should be insignificant. FEAT NET
HNPA xxx   xxx= home area code
NPA [1] xxx [yyy zzzz] =number to be screened starting with an area code or toll access digit
RLI xxx  xxx= Route List number
if ALLOW xxx  xxx= Number to be allowed in the NPA.  All unlisted numbers will be denied.
if DENY xxx  xxx= Number to be denied in the NPA.  All unlisted numbers will be allowed.
if LDDD xxx  xxx= Internal number to be intercepted to the attendant.
if DMI 1 - 255 = Digit Manipulation Index number
then LDID x . . . x  =local DID number to be recognized
NXX [1] xxx [zzzz] =number to be screened starting with an office code
RLI xxx  xxx= Route List number
if ALLOW xxx  xxx= Number to be allowed in the NPA.  All unlisted numbers will be denied.
if DENY xxx  xxx= Number to be denied in the NPA.  All unlisted numbers will be allowed.
if LDDD xxx  xxx= Internal number to be intercepted to the attendant.
if DMI 1 - 255 = Digit Manipulation Index number
then LDID x . . .x  =local DID number to be recognized
Programming LD 15 Adjust intercept treatments if required. INT_DATA  Gate opener
NINV    (missing programming)
NITR    (Network Translations) number not in NPA, NXX, or SPN table.
NRES    (Supplemental Digit Restriction) DENY, ALLOW, LDDD, or LDID table.
NBLK    (LCR blocked) TOD, FCI, FRL, or no trunk available
Default values for these fields= OVF  OVF  OVF  ATN
Conditions= Stn.  Atnd. Trunk DID