Mike's PBX Cookbook

Scheduled Reload

Get out of jail free!

Before starting on a configuration change which my impact your access, eg changes to interfaces, IP address, or access lists, start the session with a reload in 10 (or longer) command. This way, if you mess things up, the switch will reboot after 10 minutes and lose any changes made, hopefully restoring access in the event that it has been disabled...

tr-s1#reload in 10
Reload scheduled for 12:37:28 GMT Thu Jul 9 2019 (in 10 minutes) by ADMIN on vty0 (
Proceed with reload? [confirm] <hit enter>
- You can schedule a longer time, eg: reload in 01:30 will reload in 1 hour and 30 mins.
- Or specify a time and date, eg: reload at 01:00 Jul 15 to reload at 1am on July 15.

Make the changes... then...

Remember to do a reload cancel to cancel any pending reloads.
A sh reload will display any pending scheduled reload.

tr-s1#reload cancel