Mike's PBX Cookbook

CUACA Service/Server Restart

Problem: A "CT Error" is displayed when the attendant's try to login...

Services on the Cisco Unified Attendant Console Advanced (CUACA) can be restarted either by restarting the selected CUACA service using a web-browser, or by restarting the virtual server using the VMware vSphere Client. Both methods are shown here.

Restart the service first. If this is unsuccessful in restoring service, restart the server.

Restart the CUACA service:

  1. Browse to http://<CUACA_IP_Address>/webadmin, enter the 'Username' Admin and password, click Login
  2. Under Engineering, select Service Management
  3. Click the red Stop icon. Click the Refresh icon at the top left to verify the service has stopped
    Click the green Start icon. Once again, click the Refresh icon to verify the service has started

Restart the CUACA virtual server:

  1. Launch the VMware vShere Client, open <Server_IP_Address>, with 'User name' root and password, click Login
  2. Next, select Inventory
  3. Select the + sign on the left to show all virtual servers
  4. Right-click the cuaca server, select Power, then select Restart Guest
cuacarst1.png cuacarst2.png cuacarst3.png cuacarst4.png cuacarst5.png cuacarst6.png cuacarst7.png
1. Restart the service
cuacarst1.png cuacarst2.png cuacarst3.png
2. Restart the virtual server
cuacarst4.png cuacarst5.png cuacarst6.png cuacarst7.png