Mike's PBX Cookbook

Thru-Dial Service

A thru-dialer is what gives you the "if you know your parties extension, dial it now" feature.
In this example, extensions start at 8000, although the principle is the same for any DN range.

1 In Application Builder, from a Menu block, connect the 8 key to a Thru-Dial block. thrudial1.png

2 Double click the Thru-Dial box to open it's Properties. Set the length to 4, and set the left pad to insert the first digit (here an 8). The caller will provide the additional 3 digits to form a 4 digit number. Select a restriction/permission list, or leave at default. thrudial2.png

3 In CallPilot Manager, make sure the restriction/permission list (selected above) allows the extension range to dialled. thrudial3.png